Life service elevator advertising

⓵What are the media forms of elevator advertising do you know?
1. As an ideal advertising form for acquiring customers in the community, elevator advertising has developed a variety of media forms, including door stickers, planes, and projections. and videos etc. Video and print advertising became mainstream.
2. In the early days, Yi Communication tried a variety of elevator advertising forms, and finally chose graphic posters. This is because customers have reported that print advertising is more effective and is in line with the business characteristics of small merchants.
3. The cost of print advertising is low, which is a key consideration for small merchants when promoting. The average price of video advertisements on the market is 600-800 yuan a week, and they are rotated every 15 seconds. One screen can accept at least four advertisers at the same time; while Ant Media’s elevator advertisement only costs 198 yuan a week. Advertisers can monopolize the entire poster space and become an exclusive window for communicating with customers.
4. The display time of print ads is 4 times that of video ads, but the price is only one-third of it. In addition, print advertisements have a higher memory rate, complete information expre ssion, and stay in consumers' lives 24 hours a day.
5. Print advertising is more friendly to the people, and consumers are resistant to advertising, especially in confined spaces. The repeated bombardment of video advertisements can easily arouse consumers' resentment. Flat posters have the advantages of low interference and no noise, and are highly recognized by consumers.
6. Print advertising is more worry-free. Although elevator advertising is an efficient medium, the advertiser is still responsible for content production. It's often easier to create a creative poster than a video ad.
7. The effect of print advertising is more stable. As a mature media form, plane elevator advertising has a history of more than ten years, is more stable and easy to maintain. Ant Communication Elevator Advertising promises to resolve any screen problems within 48 hours, providing one-stop service so that advertisers have no worries.
Summary: No form of advertising is absolutely good or bad. Ant Media chooses the most suitable print advertising, professionally empowers small merchants, and provides cost-effective, efficient, and cost-effective services from aspects such as price, material production, and service quality. Excellent service.
