Soft film advertising light box factory

⓵Introduction to the construction process of soft film light boxes and examples of the production process

We will find many of them in home appliance retail institutions selling TVs or mobile phones or on both sides of subway and bus stations. Advertising light boxes are often similar to the soft film light boxes mentioned below. On the one hand, they can be used with suitable lighting to provide publicity for everyone. On the other hand, soft film light boxes are often used better and have outstanding impact and corrosion resistance. Today I will give you an example of the construction technology of soft film light boxes as well as the production process and steps.


1. Soft film light box construction technology

There are six series of soft film light boxes : Glossy surface, satin surface, translucent surface, basic film, suede surface, metal surface and punched surface. There are hundreds of colors to choose from and a variety of types for designers to choose from. Suitable for various occasions. Breaking through the limitations of traditional ceilings.
Adapt to occasions:
On the side of the road or on a street light pole, you can see it during the day. Turning on the light box at night also plays a role in publicity. 2. At each entrance of an enterprise or shopping mall, lighting is a secondary role and the main role. It is also a publicity function that is both beautiful and practical. Three other places that need to be illuminated with soft light also have the function of beautifying the space

1. Before installation, carefully check the keel Whether the joints are strong and lubricated, the sprinkler heads should be covered with white tape, and the air vents should be properly handled. When installing the ceiling, first fix it from the center to both ends. At the same time, pay attention to the dimensions of the two ends. Pay attention to the straight welding seam and finally make the corners. Pay attention to it to be flat and smooth. After the surroundings are completed, trim off the excess ceiling

2. First go to the construction site to see if there are conditions for installing the keel: that is, see if the on-site wall is completed, whether the carpenter's processing is qualified, and it needs to be plastered Some of the gray ones were finished first. Pay special attention to the carpenters who must do some work according to our requirements. The opening dimensions such as lights and air vents must be processed in advance


 3. On-site conditions When the permitting party enters the construction site, the carpenter must first fix the aluminum alloy keel keel according to the drawing design requirements. Note that the corners must be flat and smooth at right angles, and the connections must be flat and dense

4. Smoke sense , ceiling lamp, first position and then make a wooden chassis. The bottom surface of the wooden chassis should be polished and smooth, and pay attention to the horizontal height. If it is too low, the traces of the chassis will easily be highlighted.

5. Pay attention to the fact that the light stand, air outlet, and light tube panel must be level with the surrounding keel, and must be firm and stable without shaking.


2. Light box soft film production process?

Before production, you must first select the longitude and latitude soft film materials: LED Lamp, UV soft film, keel, buckle edge strip, and printed soft film.

To make a signboard light box, first determine the size of the light box, arrange the light source inside the light box, then install keels all around, put buckle strips on the soft film, and finally install the inkjet soft film .


In the field of advertising, we will see many advertising light boxes, many of which are similar to the soft film light boxes mentioned above. , because this kind of light box can meet our basic lighting needs on the one hand, and on the other hand, because of special processing, it can also vividly reproduce the original colors of advertising posters, so it has a good eye-catching advantage, then Interested friends may wish to refer to the following for an introduction to the construction technology of soft film light boxes and installation pre cautions.

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