How to cooperate with media companies on elevator advertising resources

本文目录一览⑴Recently, I have seen many bosses placing elevator advertisements. How is the effect? ​​Then how do I contact the elevator advertising company?

The first question: Elevator advertising is an efficient medium. If it can be coordinated with subsequent marketing activities, the effect will be significant.

Big brands return to elevator advertising in order to maintain brand activity and competitive scale; small, medium and micro enterprises return to investment to immediately improve customer acquisition efficiency.

Second question: The advertising company’s logo and contact information will be on the elevator advertising frame.

⑵What are the standard prices for elevator advertising charges and what are the methods of placing elevator advertising?
Elevator advertising has become an effective advertising platform that attracts attention due to its high-frequency contact characteristics in closed spaces. When choosing elevator advertising, people may be interested in charging standards and delivery methods.
There is no fixed standard for charging for elevator advertising. The charging unit is usually based on weekly or per advertising space. The specific price will vary depending on the city and the nature of the advertising space. Take Focus Media as an example. Its typical price for frame advertising in Chengdu is 614 yuan/page/week, and that for electronic screen advertising is 478 yuan/page/week. Other advertising agencies typically charge lower prices than Focus Media. The advertising price will be adjusted every year, and the final price needs to be negotiated with the advertising rights holder or manufacturer.
There are three main types of elevator advertising: elevator frame advertising, elevator door sticker advertising and elevator TV advertising. Elevator frame advertisements are usually used to install advertising paintings in the elevator car and are a common form of advertising. Elevator door advertisements are posted inside and outside the elevator door, at the visual center point directly in front, occupying 1.5 times the area of ​​the entire elevator door, suitable for the location of the golden section, making it easier for people to read. Elevator TV advertisements use LED screens to play advertisements on the walls of elevator waiting booths, attracting viewers through the combination of images and sounds.
Elevator advertisements are compulsory to read. Since people have to take the elevator every day, advertisements have high-frequency exposure opportunities. The mainstream consumer group is between 20 and 45 years old, which is suitable for advertising on cars, real estate, etc. The characteristics of elevator advertising media make it one of the first choices for outdoor advertising. If you are interested in elevator advertising, please contact the editor of Zhaoguang via private message for more details.

⑶、How does Xiping Media do elevator advertising? Introduce!

Each elevator advertisement is contracted by the property department to a local advertising company. If you want to place an elevator advertisement, you must first find the advertising company's contact information. Generally, it is under the elevator advertising space. Just like the phone number for investment advertisements.

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First of all, determine the characteristics of the target group of the company's products: What is their spending power? Which type of customers are middle, high or low-end? Does the target population have aggregation characteristics? Is it concentrated in a particular area?

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Secondly, according to the characteristics of the target group, select the elevator placement location/point. The point selection is The core of the elevator advertising industry. The first choice is the core business district, which has the best effect, followed by high-end communities and office buildings around the business district.

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Due to space limitations, elevator advertising is not suitable for large brand display. Its function can be summarized in one sentence. Yes, influence the people you can influence.

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Before posting, accurately understand the local elevator media operating company, understand its resource location, and choose Determine the placement period and high-quality resource points that are most suitable for you. Don’t skimp on the cost. These places must be intensively placed, because the return of one point may be as high as certain areas.

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Finally, choose an elevator advertiser with abundant resources and good reputation to cooperate. Of course, the more people your advertisement covers, the better. When you have a limited budget, you can selectively advertise according to the characteristics of the target group. The target will be more pre cise and the effect will be better.

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