Are there advertising lights on the rear window of the car?

1、Is it illegal to stick advertisements on the rear window of a car?

It is illegal to stick advertisements on the rear window of a car and it is a car modification. As long as the motor vehicle advertising area meets the standards and does not affect relevant safety, it is not illegal; if the advertising area is too large, it will be considered by the traffic police and other relevant departments as an illegal act that affects driving safety.
According to Article 13 of the "Regulations for the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" (No. 405), motor vehicle license plates should be hung at designated positions at the front and rear of the vehicle and remain clear and complete. Heavy-duty and medium-duty trucks and their trailers, tractors and their trailers should be spray-painted with an enlarged brand on the rear of the vehicle, with correct and clear words. The motor vehicle inspection mark and insurance mark shall be affixed to the upper right corner of the front window of the motor vehicle. Spraying or pasting signs or body advertisements on motor vehicles shall not affect safe driving.
If you want to spray and paste relevant advertisements on vehicles, you must comply with relevant regulations. This is not only to comply with laws and regulations, but also to ensure your own driving safety and be responsible for yourself and others. Car owners should be careful when pasting advertisements on the rear window of their vehicles and do not blindly expand the advertising area in the rear window for the sake of advertising effect. This behavior may be illegal and detrimental to driving safety. If you need to change the appearance of the vehicle, the owner of the motor vehicle should apply for change registration at the vehicle management office where the vehicle is registered. That is, if the owner wants to post an advertisement on the rear window, he can first consult the local traffic control department and paste the advertisement if it is legal and compliant, or Paste it on other locations on the car body that do not affect safety.

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