
壹、How to draw a good-looking billboard slogan for children selling bubble water
The steps to draw a good-looking billboard are as follows:
1. According to the information of Toutiao today, choose a suitable background color. It’s best to use a bright background color to make your billboard more eye-catching. Suitable background colors include yellow, orange, blue and green. You can also choose different background colors according to the season or scene. For example, you can choose sea blue or grass green in summer.
2. Draw a cute child image on the billboard. The image of the child needs to be detailed, vivid, and related to the bubble water. You can draw with colored pens or colored paper cutouts. The child's expre ssions and gestures should be appropriate, showing enthusiasm and confidence in selling bubble water.
3. According to the size of the billboard, place the image of the child and the slogan in the planned location.
