Crossroad outdoor billboard

⓵What procedures are required to set up billboards on the roadside?
A single facade billboard needs to be approved by the local city administration, and a three-dimensional light box seems to need to be approved by the municipal management.

⓶A short story about lack of confidence
Magnify your value
In a city, there is a small company that produces hot sauce, with a production capital of only hundreds of thousands. Yuan. However, the company's boss is very confident and has written a slogan on the company's cultural wall to be the city's number one hot sauce brand, motivating employees at all times. Before the hot sauce goes on the market, the boss plans to advertise the product. He originally wanted to rent a very large and conspicuous billboard on the streets of the city center and label their products so that everyone who walked by would notice it at once and expand its visibility. However, after he contacted the advertising company, he discovered that the advertising prices in the city center were much higher than his budget. His small business could not afford such sky-high advertising fees.
He was not disappointed, but kept asking around, trying to find a cheap and affordable advertising carrier. After repeated searches, he found a billboard at an intersection. There is an intersection there, with a constant flow of vehicles, but one regret is that passers-by are generally in a hurry, staring at the traffic lights and speeding vehicles. It’s hard to guarantee good results when advertising here. The boss inquired about the price and found that it only cost tens of thousands of yuan. He was satisfied and rented it. The employees questioned the boss's move one after another, but the boss just smiled and didn't answer, as if he had everything in mind.
The old ad was quickly taken down, and employees thought they would see their hot sauce ad the next day. However, the next day, the employees saw that there was no advertisement for their hot sauce on the billboard. It read clearly: "Good location, of course only waiting for distinguished guests. This advertisement is for rent of 880,000 yuan/year."
< br/> God, at this price, it must be the most expensive outdoor billboard in this city. The impact of the sky-high rent information is undoubtedly powerful, and everyone who passes by here unconsciously stops and takes a look. Gradually, many people came to know that there was a ridiculously expensive billboard waiting for it at this intersection, and even the local media paid great attention to it.
A month later, the company’s hot sauce advertisement was posted.
The employees of the company finally understood the boss’s strategy, and they all praised it. The sales market for hot sauce has quickly opened up, because the advertising price of "880,000 yuan/year" has long been known to everyone. Soon, the hot sauce produced by the company became a well-known brand in the city. After that, the boss erased the original slogan and replaced it with the slogan of being the number one brand in China. The employee asked him: "We are not the number one brand in this city yet, why should we change it?" The boss replied meaningfully: "Value can only be reflected in circulation, but the scale of value is always in the hands of others. Others will never It will give you ideal value, and you must take the initiative to create a sign to appropriately amplify your value!”
