How to approve billboard content

⒈Billboard Approval

When installing door billboards, you must first go through a strict approval process. First of all, merchants need to bring the following documents to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau:

Copies of the store’s business license, at least two copies;
Copies of the lease contract, the same two copies;
Color renderings of outdoor billboards, which need to include a range of about 80 centimeters above and below the door;
A detailed application report, including the installation location, planned start and end time, advertising content, form, specifications and quantity, required Provide two copies;
At least two copies of the property ownership certificate;
A clear store location map, ensuring that the exact location of the store is marked on the map, which can be obtained from online resources such as Baidu Maps.

After submitting these materials to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, they will ask you to forward one of the materials to the urban management department. The processing time of the urban management department is approximately 5 working days. After the urban management review is completed, merchants need to bring the urban management acceptance form back to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and the industrial and commercial approval process takes 7 working days.

It is not allowed to set up billboards without approval. If found, you will first be asked to remove the advertisement, and then you will face a fine. Billboards can only be legally installed after all approval procedures have been completed.

As for the specifications of door advertising, the regulations of each community may be different. The industrial and commercial and urban management departments currently do not have unified standards. The specific size will be determined according to the external structure of the house. Therefore, merchants need to apply based on actual conditions when applying.

⒉Do store billboards require urban management approval?
Urban management approval is required. According to regulations, the following materials are required for approval of self-employed store front billboards: 2 copies of the store business license or industrial and commercial name approval; leasing contract 2 copies and so on.
Legal basis:
Article 8 of the "Regulations on Individual Industrial and Commercial Households" To apply for registration as an individual industrial and commercial household, one must apply for registration to the registration authority where the business place is located. Applicants should submit a registration application, proof of identity and proof of business location. The registration matters of individual industrial and commercial households include the name and address of the operator, form of organization, business scope, and business location. If an individual industrial and commercial household uses a name, the name shall be used as a registration matter.
