How much does a billboard display cost?

本文目录一览壹、How is Douyin advertising billed?

At pre sent, the three main billing methods for Douyin advertising are CPC, CPM, and CPT. Advertisers can choose the corresponding advertising form according to the characteristics of the product, and then choose according to their own advertising budget. Appropriate billing method, strive to bring the best advertising conversion with the least advertising cost.
💰CPC billing
Charges are calculated based on the click effect. The advertisement is only charged when it is clicked. When the advertisement is only exposed, you can save costs. Currently, the CPC price of a Douyin information flow advertisement is 1-2 yuan. That is, if the user clicks on the advertising link placed by the advertiser, the Douyin advertising system will charge the advertiser an advertising fee of 1-2 yuan.
📈CPM billing
Based on one thousand exposures, the price of a CPM for information flow advertising is 10-20 yuan, that is, the advertiser chooses to charge based on exposure, and the advertisement will be displayed every one thousand exposures , Douyin charges advertisers 10-20 yuan in advertising fees.
⏰CPT billing
Based on the time of purchase, you can choose to place ads at any time period within 24 hours, and no matter how many times the ad is displayed during this period, you will only be charged once. cost. This kind of advertisement is usually placed in the opening screen advertisement. Of course, its charge is relatively high. Different prices are generally given according to the time period, up to hundreds of thousands or even millions.

贰、Make door billboards. How much does it cost per square meter?

1. The production price of billboards at the door of Chaoyang District: 600 yuan per square meter.

2. The production price of doorway billboards in Haidian District: 620 yuan per square meter.

3. The production price of billboards at the door of Dongcheng District and Xicheng District: 750 yuan per square meter.

4. The production price of doorway billboards in Fengtai District: 580 yuan per square meter.

5. The production price of doorway billboards in Tongzhou District: 490 yuan per square meter.

6. The production price of billboards at the entrance of Fangshan District: 550 yuan per square meter.

7. The production price of billboards at the door of Shunyi District: 950 yuan per square meter.

8. The production price of billboards at the door of Pinggu District: 980 yuan per square meter.

Door signs are the first impre ssion on customers. Good door signs are not only beautiful but also attract customers and stimulate consumption. Generally, the price calculation method for door signs is divided into three aspects: lettering, decoration and installation.

Extended information:

1. The quotation for part of the characters is mainly based on the material and size of the characters. First, determine the quotations for characters of different materials. On this basis, characters of different sizes are divided into the following three situations:

1. Characters with an area of ​​more than 1 meter are priced according to length * per square. Example: characters The height is 1200MM and the width is 1040MM, then the price of making characters = area 1.2*1.2 (according to the longest stroke of the characters * the longest stroke) * the merchant's quotation.

2. For words with an area of ​​less than 1 meter, the price is based on the longest * per centimeter. Example: For words with a height of 600MM and a width of 534MM, if the merchant quotes a word with an area of ​​less than 1 meter, the price is based on centimeters. Then the price of this word =60 (according to the longest stroke of the word) * Merchant’s quotation.

3. For words below 20 cm, the price is calculated based on the number of pieces, and the specific pricing depends on the company.

2. The quotation for the bottom part of the door sign is relatively simple. It can be calculated in square meters according to the price of different materials.

3. The installation cost of door signs is also an item that cannot be ignored. No matter how big or small, there is a certain cost, and small signs cannot be omitted. However, Qixiang Advertising will introduce it to customers. If it is a small sign that the customer can complete by himself, we will recommend installing it by himself, so as to maximize the customer's interests.

叁、In an average town, how much does a street light billboard cost?
In a general town, the rent of a street light billboard is determined based on a number of factors. These factors include the billboard's location, size, visibility, traffic flow, and lease length.
First of all, the location of the billboard is one of the important factors in determining the rent. Generally speaking, the rent for billboards located in prosperous areas, traffic thoroughfares or places with dense traffic will be relatively high because these locations can attract more target audiences. The rent for billboards located in remote areas or places with low traffic will be relatively low.
Secondly, the size of the billboard will also have an impact on the rent. Generally speaking, larger billboards will have higher rents because they can provide a larger advertising display area and attract a larger target audience. The rent for smaller billboards will be relatively lower.
Visibility is also one of the important factors in determining rent. If the billboard is located in a high-visibility location, such as next to a high-rise building or on a traffic thoroughfare, the rent will be relatively high. Because these locations can make billboards more visible to people and improve advertising effectiveness. The rent for billboards located in low-visibility locations will be relatively low.
In addition, traffic flow will also have an impact on rents. If the billboard is located in a place with high traffic volume, such as next to a main road or highway, the rent will be relatively high. Because these locations allow billboards to be seen by more people, increasing advertising exposure. The rent for billboards located in areas with low traffic volume will be relatively low.
Finally, the lease term will also have an impact on the rent. Generally speaking, billboard rents for long-term leases will be relatively low because the tenants can enjoy the advertising display effect for a longer period of time. The rent for short-term rental billboards will be relatively high.
To sum up, in ordinary towns, the rental price of a street light billboard is determined based on multiple factors such as the location, size, visibility, traffic flow, and lease term of the billboard. The specific rent amount needs to be discussed and negotiated based on the actual situation.
