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How to change billboard subtitles

发布时间:2024-09-21 17:14:29 作者:达叔渊
本文目录一览≥0≤How to set rolling subtitles on vivo mobile phone?
Methods/steps for scrolling subtitles on vivo mobile phones:
1. Turn on the phone and open settings
2. Find more settings and open more settings . Shu Li
3. Find the auxiliary function in the bottom corner of the options and turn on the auxiliary function.
4. Find the subtitles, open them and enter.
5. Click to turn on the subtitle function.
6. Edit the text, color, and font you like.
7. After editing, select Finish in the upper right corner.
8. Next time you want to make changes, you don’t have to search step by step. You can directly click on the subtitles to change the subtitles.
"Rolling subtitles" is a popular font effect and one of the streamer fonts. People have been using rolling characters to decorate blogs and spaces, and they are also used on billboards, information boards, signage subtitles, etc.
Rolled characters generally come with or without pictures.
Move the text to the left "Window" - "Animation" (made by moving pictures);
First click "Copy the selected frame" and click "Animation frame" Transition "Frames to be added"--5; Move the text picture to the right "Transition of animation frames" "Frames to be added"--10; This will create a rolling picture.
The last step after production is particularly important: File--Save in the format used by the web--Storage. If you choose "Save As", you will not get an animated picture. of.

∪▽∪How to change subtitles on LED display screen and what app to use
1. Currently, many stores use LED display screens as billboards, combining lighting and advertising forms so that different information can be carried on the display screen. , convenient for selling products in the store and attracting consumers’ attention. But when using the LED display screen, it is easy to type the wrong characters, so changing the characters on the LED display screen has become a question for many people. Let's see how to change the characters of the Led display.
2. How to change the characters on the Led display?
3. In fact, the way to change characters on the LED display is relatively simple. Generally speaking, editing the text message can change the subtitles on the advertisement. Use the software that comes with the LED display to operate on the computer, download the data and software on the LED display to a USB flash drive, and save the set parameters and content to the USB flash drive. When using a USB flash drive, directly copy the corresponding content and display it on the LED screen to complete the replacement. After the LED screen is connected to the computer, open the corresponding display control software, set various parameters, select the time and format, adjust the subtitle content, and then edit and send.
4. There is also a common way to change the characters on the Led display. Take Led display tw software as an example. Open the software, click Settings, then click the corresponding screen parameter settings, enter the default password to modify the screen parameters. After closing, right-click to add the desired subtitles to the program on the left, or enter new subtitles, then close the subtitle input interface and adjust the display area appropriately to complete the subtitle change.
5. How to install Led display?
6. After pre paring the materials and basic equipment for installing the LED display, you can splice the outer frame and assemble the outer frame required for the LED display. The pre -pre pared materials are assembled into squares or circles, and the assembly method is relatively simple.
7. After pre liminary assembly, the unit board can be fixed. Place the unit board of the LED display within the frame, distinguish the front and back, and install the back strip accurately to avoid mistakes, otherwise reinstallation will take time and effort.
8. After fixing the unit board, you can remove the frame and install the magnet. The magnets are well positioned. After the scientific installation is completed, the frame of the LED display can be closed, and the magnets and back strips are combined to complete the assembly and fixation of the LED display.
9. After the necessary procedures such as the unit board are completed, the cables and power cords of the LED display can be connected. The power cord is divided into upper and lower parts. Before officially turning on the power, you need to check whether the positive and negative poles of the wires are correct. The left and right cables should be balanced and connected to different boards. It is recommended to use soft core wire here to better fix the power supply.
10. After connecting the power supply, you can start to connect the control card to the unit board. They need to be parallel during the connection process, and the value of the control card must be consistent with the value of the unit board. In the meantime, test the button to see if the installer works properly. It is worth noting that the installation of Led display should be carried out in strict accordance with scientific steps, and the corresponding props should be used according to the drawings.
11. How to change the words on the LED display? The above is a brief introduction, I hope it can provide you with a reference. In fact, the method of changing words on the LED screen is not complicated. As long as you understand the inner process of changing words, you can complete the operation. In addition to mastering the method of changing characters on the LED screen, we should also have a certain understanding of the installation method of the LED screen, which is also mentioned above.
↓。υ。↓What software is used to produce rolling subtitles on LED billboards?
The software is matched with the control card. Different brands of control cards have different control software, and the CD will be included when you buy the card.