How can I get insurance if the wind blows down a billboard and hits it on my car?

本文目录一览一、What to do if your car is hit by a billboard

When your car is hit by a billboard, the first step is to contact your insurance company immediately. They will provide financial compensation according to the terms of your insurance to alleviate your financial losses.

In many cities, especially urban areas, there are forests of large billboards. They are at risk of falling when encountering extreme weather such as strong winds and heavy rains. Therefore, when parking, you should try to avoid parking your vehicle near billboards or high-rise buildings to reduce potential safety threats.

For car owners who have purchased car damage insurance, the insurance company will evaluate the damage to the vehicle and pay compensation in accordance with the provisions of the insurance contract. This highlights the key role of insurance in risk diversification and loss compensation.

When purchasing car insurance, car owners usually need to choose compulsory traffic insurance and commercial insurance. Compulsory traffic insurance, as a mandatory insurance type required by the state, provides basic protection for vehicles. Commercial insurance provides more compre hensive protection options, including a variety of primary and additional insurances such as car damage insurance, individual glass breakage insurance, water-related insurance and scratch insurance.

When choosing commercial insurance, car owners should compre hensively consider factors such as their own driving skills, vehicle usage environment, and maintenance costs. This will not only ensure that the vehicle is fully protected when it encounters risks, but also avoid unnecessary insurance expenses.

二、Will insurance companies pay if a large tree damages a vehicle?
Strong winds knock down a large tree, a billboard, or a foreign object falls from a building roof and damages a vehicle parked on the roadside. This is considered the collapse of an external object. The insurance clauses have this stipulation for vehicle loss insurance: During the insurance period, if the insured motor vehicle suffers direct losses due to "falling or collapse of external objects", the insurer shall be responsible for compensation in accordance with the provisions of this insurance contract, which falls within the scope of liability of vehicle loss insurance. . However, in the case of natural disasters and extremely severe weather, vehicle loss insurance generally has a deductible of about 30%, which means that for car owners who have vehicle loss insurance, the insurance company will compensate 70% of the loss amount.

三、A billboard for an Internet cafe fell down and hit a car due to a typhoon. Can I ask for compensation from the Internet cafe?

Legal analysis: Yes. As the owner, manager and user of the billboard involved in the case, the Internet cafe failed to maintain and reinforce the billboard during the typhoon and should be liable for damages. If the car owner has car damage insurance, it is recommended that the car owner first call the police, fix the evidence, and then file a claim with the insurance company. After the insurance company settles the claim, it can then pursue compensation from the responsible person in accordance with the law.

Legal basis: Article 1253 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China If a building, structure or other facility and its resting or hanging objects fall off or fall causing damage to others, the owner shall If the administrator or user cannot prove that he or she is not at fault, he or she shall bear infringement liability. After the owner, manager or user makes compensation, if there are other responsible persons, the owner, manager or user shall have the right to recover compensation from the other responsible persons.
