What colors look good with green background billboards?

⒈What background color is good for posters and what color words are good? For green poster paper, what color is good for writing?
What background color is used for inkjet advertising and what color words are most conspicuous? For billboards, red background is used with white words. It is more conspicuous. Most of the billboards with red background have words in two colors. 1. The best kind is golden, which looks grand and outstanding. 2. White, white may be more conspicuous. 3. Advertisements are made to be eye-catching, and people will remember them at a glance. By observing them at any time, you can understand which color combinations can achieve the best results. Generally speaking, red goes with yellow, red goes with white. Extended information: The specifications of advertisements are different in each community. Neither the industrial and commercial administration nor the urban management have made regulations. The specifics depend on the external structure of the house. Billboards have two functions in production operations: to instruct the production process to manufacture products, and to instruct material operators to move products. The former is called producing billboards (or manufacturing billboards), and the latter is called picking up billboards (or extracting billboards). The production billboard informs the upstream process of the product type and quantity required by the downstream process. In the simplest case, for example, the upstream process pre pares a production billboard corresponding to "a box of parts" in advance, and places it in the stock supermarket at the same time as a box of parts. When a box of parts is picked up, the billboard is used to start production. Some signal billboards are triangular in shape, so they are also called triangular billboards. Extract billboard instructions to transport parts to downstream processes. There are usually two forms: internal billboards and supplier billboards. In the beginning, cards were widely used in both forms in the urban area of ​​Toyota. However, when lean production was widely used, suppliers farther away from factories switched to electronic billboards. To create a pull system, both production and extraction billboards must be used: in the downstream process, when the operator removes the first product from the bin, he takes an extraction billboard and places it on a nearby billboard In the box. When the handler returns to the inventory supermarket upstream of the value stream, he puts the extracted billboard into another billboard box, instructing the upstream process to produce another box of parts. Only when "if you can't see the billboard, you won't produce or move the product", it is a real pull system. Green poster paper, what color is good to write Hello! 1. Dark green or pure green posters should be written in white. 2. It is better to write in black on light green poster paper. 3. Green is a neutral lightness color. It is not suitable to use color to write on a green background. There is no lightness contrast and the color is dark and eye-catching. 4. Black characters on a white background and black characters on a white background are the brightest and clearest. What color background and what color font will look good and conspicuous

Generally speaking, the background color and font of the plaque should be of opposite colors;

For example, the background color of the plaque should be dark. If the color is black, then the font color should be white in the light color system, so that the font on the plaque can be highlighted.

First of all, let’s talk about the color combination of solid color background and font color. The most advanced and most advanced plaque background color and font color combination we see most in our daily life is black gold, like the palace we often see. Black and gold colors often appear in the drama. For example, the "Zhengda Guangming" plaque in Qianqing Palace uses a pure black background, while the four words "Zhengda Guangming" use gold fonts, which makes it look particularly calm when paired together. , and can also show the atmosphere.

Secondly, let’s talk about the use of non-solid color backgrounds and font color combinations. In fact, the plaques we see in our daily life all have solid color backgrounds, but now some people don’t like solid color backgrounds, but choose Some patterned backgrounds, and after doing so, it will become very difficult to choose the font color of the plaque, because many background patterns are relatively flowery, and no matter what color font is used, it will not stand out too much, so we just Can make the font color stand out as much as possible.

Generally speaking, if the background pattern has a lot of dark colors, such as black, dark gray, and dark blue, we can use white, gold, or silver fonts, which will look good and stand out. For fonts, if the background pattern is more light-colored, such as pink, gray, etc., then we should choose black, dark gray and other colors. If the background pattern is relatively flowery, then you can only expand the font or make it bold.

In addition, there are still many plaques that use a red background with gold fonts or a white background with black fonts. These two combinations are more beautiful and can highlight the fonts, but the plaques with white background and black fonts On the one hand, it is more commonly used in office environments, but is less suitable for home use.

⒉What color will look good with the white lettering on a billboard?

White text on billboards can look good with a red background. Red can bring out the clarity of the white text, making it clear at a glance. For billboards, you can also use a black background to look good. You can also use a sky blue background for billboards, which can reflect the clarity of the white characters, making them clear to people, and showing the elegant and beautiful style of the white characters.

It is more appropriate to use blue, red, and green with white characters on billboards. White is the basic color, and the three colors of blue, gray, and green have relatively high saturation. White fonts are very eye-catching and can be widely advertised. In addition, these three colors serve as a background for the white text, making it more visually comfortable.

White words can be paired with a sky blue base, which will look good. Blue and white are a perfect match and look very fresh. You can also use red, which is more eye-catching
