How much does a billboard cost 80*80?

广告牌 2024-09-20 16:32:01
本文目录一览1、How big is the 80*80 support light sign?
The support sign has "80*80 specifications, that is, 80*80cm=800*800mm, and the single-chip area is 0.64 square meters."
Light boards, also known as LED light boards, light panels, LED billboards, and LED display boards, use LED tubes to form text and patterns on a substrate. When powered, they can emit red, yellow, orange, and blue colors. , white, green, pink and other beautiful colors, and can also flash and change to achieve publicity and display effects.
According to battery classification, light signs are generally divided into two types. One is powered by mains power and is mostly used in store advertising, outdoor decoration, emergency instructions and other occasions. It is also called LED billboards. The other is powered by batteries and other portable Power supply, mostly used for temporary displays, fan support and other occasions. After this type was used in the fan support industry in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places, a large number of applications appeared in mainland my country after 2005, mainly in concerts, cultural activities, Talent shows and other occasions to achieve the effects of supporting celebrities, enlivening the atmosphere, and decorating the venue.
Existing LED support light signs implement a display function based on a dot matrix, but the displayed content is only a single fixed word. Generally, it has no secondary application value after use and can only be discarded. This causes A lot of money, time, manpower and other resources were wasted.

2、How much does it cost to approve billboards?
Currently, the installation of billboards at the door must be approved by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the Urban Management Bureau. First go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau
and bring: ① 2 copies of the store business license; ② 2 copies of the lease contract; ③ Outdoor advertising 2 copies of the brand renderings (the renderings must be in color, and the situation about 80cm above and below the door must be photographed); ④ Application report (including setting location, release time, content, form, specifications, quantity; in duplicate) ; ⑤ 2 copies of the property ownership certificate; ⑥ 1 copy of the store location map; (can be downloaded from Baidu or other websites, but the specific location of the store must be marked on the map); After going to the industrial and commercial office to hand in the materials, he will let You submit one of the materials to the urban management office, and the urban management office’s processing time is 5 working days. After the urban management department accepts the application, you will be given an acceptance form, which you will then take back to the industrial and commercial administration. The acceptance time for the industrial and commercial administration is 7 working days. If it is forcibly installed without approval, it will be dismantled first, and then a fine will be imposed, and then approval can be obtained before installation. The specifications for front door advertisements are different in each community. Neither the industrial and commercial administration nor the urban management have stipulated them. The details depend on the external structure of the house.
3、How do you calculate the price for making luminous characters on billboards?
Calculating the price of billboard luminous characters is mainly based on size and specifications. For characters within 1 meter, the price is calculated based on the longest side. For example, for a character of 50*60 cm with an area of ​​0.6 square meters, the price is approximately 400 yuan/square, or 240 yuan. Characters exceeding 1 meter are calculated based on the actual size. For example, a character of 0.95 meters*1.2 meters has an area of ​​1.2 square meters. If the quotation is 800 yuan/square meter, it needs to be calculated as 1.2*1.2*800 yuan. For characters under 1 meter, the area is calculated based on the longest side multiplied by the price per centimeter. For example, for characters of 80 cm x 60 cm, the price calculation is similar.
When choosing luminous characters, the quality of the product is also an important factor. LED lamp particles produced by regular manufacturers should be selected and their quality should be ensured. When making, you need to be careful to avoid using modules with a single resistor, as this may cause overheating problems. Choosing a module with two resistors can better protect the LED lights. At the same time, ensure that the supplier's production environment has anti-static facilities to reduce the risk of damage to the LED lights.
In general, when calculating the price of billboard luminous characters, size, unit price and quality assurance measures should be combined to ensure the rationality of the investment. During the production process, reasonable selection of materials and processes can effectively reduce costs and improve product durability.