⓵What does it mean that garbage is a misplaced resource?

"Garbage is a misplaced resource" is because garbage can be turned into treasure and recycled as long as it is classified and processed.

For example: waste plastics can be converted into gasoline and diesel, organic waste can be made into compound fertilizer, and some expensive heavy metals such as cadmium, nickel, manganese, zinc, etc. can be recovered from waste batteries. Garbage sorting is a way to return "misplaced resources" to their original places.

Garbage classification

1. Recyclables

Mainly Including five major categories: waste paper, plastics, glass, metals and textiles. Waste paper mainly includes newspapers, periodicals, books, various packaging papers, office paper, advertising paper, cartons, etc.

2. Hazardous waste

Mainly includes waste batteries, waste fluorescent tubes, waste mercury Thermometers, expired medicines, etc. These wastes require special treatment.

3. Kitchen waste

Mainly includes leftovers, bones, vegetables Food waste such as root vegetable leaves and fruit peels can be composted on-site through biotechnology and can produce about 0.3 tons of organic fertilizer per ton.

⓶What can be turned into by recycling waste items
Recycling waste items can often reuse resources, protect the environment, and turn waste into treasure.
We can also set up three classified garbage baskets at home. Household garbage can usually be divided into:
1. Recyclables, including waste paper, waste plastic, waste glass, scrap metal, etc.;
2. Non-recyclable materials, including kitchen waste such as dust, vegetable leaves, melon and fruit peels and cores;
3. Hazardous materials, including batteries and fluorescent lamps.
Separate three garbage baskets at home, so that garbage can be sorted while generating garbage.
Sell waste plastic waste, waste paper, waste glass, and metal once a month. Many waste plastics can be reduced to recycled plastics, and all waste lunch boxes, food bags, textile bags, flexible packaging boxes, etc. can be recycled into fuel.
1 ton of waste plastic = 600 kilograms of gasoline. Each piece of paper can be recycled at least twice.
After the first recycling, office paper, old letter paper, notebooks, books, newspapers, advertising paper, cartons, paper tableware, etc. can be recycled into books, manuscript paper, business cards, and note paper. wait.
After the second recycling, it can also be made into toilet paper. Remaking aluminum from aluminum cans consumes 71% less energy than extracting aluminum from bauxite; the energy saved by recycling a glass bottle can make a light bulb shine for 4 hours.
Recycling of old materials can save energy and protect the environment, and pre vent excessive consumer waste on the earth. We can recycle the wasted waste items through certain procedures to protect the environment, save resources, and promote the recycling of resources. Make the greatest contribution.
With our development and the progress of the times, people have higher and higher requirements for environmental quality. Therefore, protecting the ecological environment and improving environmental quality have become issues of common concern today.
1. Buy rechargeable batteries The batteries we use every day rely on chemical action. In layman’s terms, they rely on corrosion to generate electrical energy.
When they are abandoned in nature, these substances slowly overflow from the battery, enter the soil or water sources, and then enter the human food chain through crops.
After you have accumulated 30 kilograms of used dry batteries, you can contact the waste material recycling station.
2. Make full use of white paper and try to use recycled paper. The used side of the paper can be turned over to make scratch paper and note paper.
Refuse to accept those propaganda materials that are distributed everywhere. The production of these propaganda materials will not only waste a lot of paper, but also destroy the city appearance and hygiene by distributing and posting them everywhere.
Recycled paper is produced from recycled waste paper. One ton of waste paper = 800 kilograms of recycled paper = 17 big trees.
The use of recycled paper has become fashionable, and people take it as an honor to produce sentences printed with "Made from Recycled Paper" to show their environmental awareness and civilized upbringing.

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