Construction company wall advertising

Introduction to the pre cautions for painting wall advertisements in wall decoration advertisements

How should commercial wall advertisements be done, and what issues should be paid attention to? Whether the wall advertising management measures can achieve the expected goals is the key to whether the implementation of this plan can be controlled. The following is an introduction to the pre cautions for painting wall advertisements.

Advertising position: The difference in site location is mainly due to: obstruction in front If the main body of the advertisement is blocked from the street, the purpose of the advertisement will not be achieved, and the adjacent walls are too dense; too dense walls will block the view of the advertising audience, and they will not be able to see clearly the entire content of the advertisement. In that case, the wall advertising is a failure, so the choice of wall advertising location is important

The wall is incomplete and too damaged; such a wall can It makes people look incomplete and uncomfortable, which directly affects the content and products of wall painting advertising. The construction of advertising space next to the building; there are other product introductions next to the building, and the competition for positions is fierce, making people wonder which one to look at. This kind of wall painting advertising will be a failure.

The selected wall is about to be demolished; if the wall to be demolished is still painted with wall advertising, the investment will not be worth the loss, and it will definitely not meet people's expectations. effect. The selected wall is about to be painted. Later painting and decoration of the wall will be completely covered up. If that's the case, this wall is almost in vain. Because the time effect of advertising is not fully displayed.

The density of advertising on painted walls: The investment density should be based on market demand and reasonably arranged according to market conditions. Avoid undelivered and undelivered items. Wall Ad Monitoring: Good monitoring is the key to good planning. Including: production quality monitoring, material delivery monitoring, and acceptance monitoring. Maintenance and monitoring during the warranty period.

Painting wall advertising period: Unify the construction progress and market demand to ensure that the overall market atmosphere is synchronized. Wall advertising materials: Systems such as scattered purchasing by each team and contracting of materials by the construction team will inevitably lead to each team cutting corners and exchanging materials. Moreover, the award-winning advertising agency subcontracted the project to many small companies, and the quality got out of control.

Without unified requirements, production levels vary and may not meet the company's standards. It is difficult to form the overall atmosphere of the market and affect the company's image. The above is an introduction to the pre cautions for painting wall advertisements.
