Can I hang a billboard on the electric pole in front of my house?

1、The best way to solve the problem of Dingxinsha
Dingxinsha is a Feng Shui term, which describes the situation where the door of a house faces a vertical position such as a lamppost, telephone pole, large tree trunk or billboard. object phenomena. This kind of layout is considered to destroy the family atmosphere and affect the health and fortune of the residents. The following are some suggestions on how to resolve the evil spirit that destroys Feng Shui:
1. Hang red lanterns at the door: By hanging red lanterns at the door, you can improve the family atmosphere and promote harmony among family members. This practice helps reduce misunderstandings and strengthens the emotional connection between family members.
2. Place a broom behind the door: Placing a broom behind the door is believed to reduce villains and negative influences in life, help people stay away from unworthy people, and use their sincerity to the right people. At the same time, this can also enhance personal awareness of self-protection.
3. Placing stone utensils at the door: Placing stone utensils at the door is believed to help stabilize your workplace status and make you more attentive to work, rather than becoming proud of your achievements. Staying open-minded in the workplace can bring you more gains.
4. Hanging mirrors on the balcony: Hanging mirrors on the balcony is considered to help improve financial luck. Because evil spirits may affect your fortune, and the use of mirrors can change this adverse effect and increase your chances of making money.
5. Hanging a gourd behind the door: Hanging a gourd behind the door is believed to help improve health and fortune, especially when evil spirits affect health. This can improve people's awareness of health and their persistence in exercising, thereby improving their physical fitness.
There are many ways to resolve the inner evil spirit, such as blocking method, using Shanhai Zhen, gourd and Bagua mirror, etc. The use of these methods should be based on the actual situation, and it should be noted that it is not advisable to face the mirror to other people's doors or windows to avoid unnecessary disputes.
In modern urban life, it is not uncommon to experience evil spirits. It is not limited to the meaning in Feng Shui, but may also have an impact on people's psychology and health in real life. Therefore, appropriate mitigation measures are necessary.

2、To put up billboards on telephone poles, you need to say hello to that department

There are at least three management entities involved.

First, the administrative power of advertising behavior lies with the industrial and commercial department. The Industrial and Commercial Administration must conduct a prior review of the advertising content and obtain an advertising license before publishing advertisements. Advertisements on telephone poles are outdoor advertising.

Second, it is the city appearance management department. Those that are unsightly or detrimental to public order (such as blocking public signs, etc.) cannot be slapped.

3. The erecter of the telephone pole has the right and responsibility to maintain his own facilities. The owner may be one of the power supply, radio and television, or urban construction (street lights) companies, and he can hang them without the consent of the owner. , constitutes infringement against them.

The City Appearance Management Office is a unit directly under the City Administration Bureau (established by public institutions). The task of city appearance management is mainly to manage urban roads, lanes, markets, rivers and other water surfaces, buildings, structures, construction sites, and outdoor advertising.

The management of transportation vehicles, public places, public facilities, public green spaces, etc., as well as the management of urban construction waste, domestic waste and environmental sanitation facilities.

Extended information:

The industrial and commercial department has the following six functions:

1. Responsible for trademark registration and management, and protection according to law Trademark exclusive rights and investigation of trademark infringements, handling of trademark disputes, and strengthening the identification and protection of well-known trademarks. Responsible for the registration, filing and protection of special signs and official signs.

2. Organize and guide the credit classification management of enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, and commodity trading markets, research and analyze and publish basic registration information of market entities, trademark registration information, etc. in accordance with the law, and provide information services for government decision-making and the public. .

3. Responsible for the service and supervision of the business activities of individual industrial and commercial households and private enterprises.

4. Carry out international cooperation and exchanges in industrial and commercial administration.

5. Lead the national industrial and commercial administration work.

6. Undertake other matters assigned by the State Council.

The administrative leadership system of urban planning, construction, operation and management institutions. It includes the administrative affiliation among various agencies in the urban management system, as well as their respective management scope and management levels. The relationship between the leadership and being led and the coordination and being coordinated by the urban management system in the sequence of municipal government administrative agencies, and the relationship between other functional agencies of the municipal government and them, etc.

The functions and rights and responsibilities of various agencies within the urban management system. The functions of various organizational agencies in the urban management system are stipulated by corresponding laws and regulations, and their power and responsibility structure is determined by the functional system.

Urban management refers to the city, an open and complex giant system, based on the city’s basic information flow, using a series of mechanisms such as decision-making, planning, organization, and command, and using legal, economic, administrative, Technology and other means, through the interaction of government, market and society, guide decision-making, standardize coordination, service and business behaviors around urban operation and development.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Urban Management

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Administration for Industry and Commerce
