Tips for finding billboard store locations

本文目录一览╯ω╰What are some simple and easy-to-understand tips for selecting a store location?

Some time ago, a friend who opened a theme coffee shop came to me for consultation.

After chatting for a long time, I felt that the theme (succulents theme) and business ideas of the coffee shop were very good, so I wondered why there were so few customers.

He said: Their coffee shop is located on the third floor of an art park, and there is a Starbucks on the first floor. Many people come here because of its reputation, but when they reach the first floor, they are directly attracted by Starbucks.

The location of your store can basically determine the success or failure of your business, just like choosing your marriage partner, it determines your success or failure for a long time to come. Many people will pay special attention to some factors, such as area, price, ventilation, etc. These factors are also important, but not the most important. However, the two most important factors are often ignored. First, the flow of people; second, regional counterparts. Degree of competition.

I don’t need to say more about how important the flow of people is. If the flow of people is enough, you can still make a lot of money even if your products and services are bad, just like advertising. Damn, if this book is broadcast enough, some people will believe in it and buy it; if the traffic is too small, it will be useless even if you make products and services. The intensity of regional peer competition repre sents how many peers will divert your passenger flow, which is essentially a traffic problem.

If there are many competitive peers around, it will be worse. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a place with few peers. If you are entering some shopping malls, you can also consider signing an exclusive agreement with the mall. As mentioned above, opening a coffee shop above Starbucks is a very risky move.

When selecting a site, the above two key points are the pre requisites. After finding a store address with a large flow of people and weak competition among regional peers, then evaluate other factors, look at the rent, calculate the break-even point, and estimate the traffic. If you can have a good return on investment expectation, this can be done Did it. If it is inconvenient to write it here, please leave it in the public WeChat account "Wu Handi is so cute" (WeChat ID: whdkad). Reply "useful" in the public account and you will be surprised.

>△<How to choose a store location when opening a clothing store?
Shop location is very important for clothing business. It is like the foundation of a building. Once the wrong choice is made, subsequent business efforts may be difficult to make up for it. . For novices, how to choose a suitable store address is an important knowledge. Today, I will share some site selection tips that I hope will be helpful to you.
1. Environmental Investigation
Before selecting a site, an in-depth investigation of the surrounding environment should be conducted. This includes:
1. Economic environment: Understand the surrounding business atmosphere and development trends to lay the foundation for the future development of the store.
2. Cultural environment: Understand the local cultural background and consumption habits to determine whether the brand positioning matches them.
3. Market competition environment: Assess the saturation and competition status of the market, and avoid selecting areas with too fierce competition or no competition.
2. Precautions for site selection
1. Avoid both ends of the street: It is often difficult to attract and retain customers at both ends of the street because consumers tend to compare multiple stores.
2. Visibility of billboards: Ensure that store signs are clearly visible within a range of 50 meters and avoid being blocked by obstacles.
3. Yin and yang side of the store: According to the geographical location and season, choose the sunny side or the shady side as the store to attract more customers.
4. Store gathering place: Gathering with other stores of the same type can promote each other and increase customer flow.
In summary, store location selection is a complex task that requires careful analysis and consideration of multiple factors. Mastering these basic skills can avoid detours and reduce the possibility of making mistakes during the site selection process.

⊙0⊙How to choose a store location?

Tips for choosing shop locations:

(1) Choose an area with convenient transportation, or along the street within a 20-minute walk near several major stations. Shop opening.

(2) For both sides of a road, business is often good on one side and business on the other side is not. Therefore, you should choose the side with larger customer flow or where other stores have been more successful, which will be beneficial to opening the store. However, you should avoid being adjacent to grocery stores, snack bars, repair shops, and hair and foot wash shops, as this will greatly affect sales.

(3) For different roads, you should choose larger first- and second-level roads. Try not to choose small roads or small alleys. But when choosing large roads, you should choose those with no isolation belts or fewer A road with a separation zone and a mixed flow of people and vehicles. Because if there is a separation zone on the road, cars will move faster. In order to cross the road, pedestrians will concentrate on avoiding the vehicles, and they will easily ignore the shops on both sides of the road.

(4) Close to places where people gather. For example, near supermarkets, shopping malls or entertainment venues such as theaters, cinemas, parks, or near large factories and institutions. On the one hand, this can attract passers-by, and on the other hand, it is easy for customers to remember the location of the store. Customers who have been here can promote it to others, and it will be easier to guide people to patronize.

(5) Choose the side close to where the population will increase. The development of enterprises, residential areas and municipal governments will add more customers to stores and increase their business potential.

(6) Choose a side where similar shops gather. A large number of facts have proved that for those stores selling consumer goods, if they can be concentrated in a certain location or neighborhood, they can attract more customers. However, you should avoid entering similar stores with low-end and bad reputation.

(7) The steps in front of the selected store should not be too high. A large number of facts have proved that if the steps in front of the door are too high, it will create a sense of distance among customers and is not conducive to business operations. Generally, it is most suitable to choose a store with no more than three steps. If you have chosen a store with more than three steps, you may consider raising the ground in front of the steps into a slope shape to reduce the number of steps.

(8) The location at the corner is ideal.

The location at the corner is often ideal. It is located at the intersection of two streets and is a stagnant point for the flow of people and consciousness. Can produce "corner effect". The advantages of the corner location are: it can increase the window display area; the flow of people from two streets converges here, and more pedestrians visit; it can pass through two or more intersections to ease the crowding of people.

Because of the corner, the store faces two streets. Which side to choose as your main entrance becomes a very important issue. The general approach is to choose one side of the street with heavy traffic flow as the front of the store, that is, the store; the other side is used as the side door.

(9) The three-way intersection is a good store location.

Shop Located on the front of Sanji Road, the store is very conspicuous and is also considered to be an ideal store location. However, stores in this advantageous position should try their best to give full play to their strengths. The decoration at the front entrance of the store, store name signs, advertising signs, display windows, etc. should be carefully designed to capture the consumer psychology of customers and attract passing pedestrians. Come to the shop.

(10) Opening a shop-in-shop is also a very good choice. You can consider renting space in shopping malls or large supermarkets to open shop-in-shops, using their original customer flow to attract more customers.

(11) For entrepre neurs who have limited funds and cannot afford to invest in prime locations, instead of choosing a prime location that is generally optimistic about their business now, it is better to choose a business that will change from cold to hot in the near future. Operate in locations that people like. You can also first find a business location with a moderate location and low price, and then relocate to a good business location based on future business conditions.

Generally speaking, an area with two or more conditions is a good location. If it can meet all of them, it is the best store location.
