How to write typos on billboards

⒈Typos on billboards
Yiyi (Yiyi) is reluctant to give up--clothing advertisement
Everyone has a cup of tea (monument)--alcohol advertisement
One step to the stomach (bit) )--Stomach medicine advertisement
Happiness in riding (among them)--Horse racing/motorcycle advertisement
Baiyi (Yi) Baishun--Electric iron advertisement
Burning (slightly) better -——Fast food restaurant advertisement
Bathing as you like (desire)——Water heater advertisement
A leisurely (virtuous) wife and loving mother——Washing machine advertisement
Cough (burning) without delay——Cough medicine advertisement
Big stones (things) turn into small things, and small stones (things) turn into small things - Advertising for curing stone disease
It is better to hear a hundred times than to click (see) without "fighting" and not to know each other - Printer advertisement
Hong Kong has a home The cosmetics company's advertisement is: "Get rid of 'spots' as soon as possible, and don't leave 'acne'.
The advertisement for a washing machine is an idiom with one word changed: "A leisurely wife and a good mother."
The audio company: "One call "Four Responses", "Sound to the East and Attack to the West".
Dumpling Shop: "Everything is covered".
Lime Factory: "Start from scratch".
Pawn Shop: "Well deserved".
Hat Company: "Take your clothes off."
Tourist barber shop: "Nothing left to lose"
Pharmaceutical shop: "You're asking for trouble."

⒉Advertising plaque with typos

Advertising is a means of publicity that openly and extensively conveys information to the public through certain forms of media for a specific need. Below I will share with you the advertising plaque with typos, please refer to it.

Selection of advertising plaques with typos

Yiyi (Yiyi) is reluctant to give up--clothing advertising awareness--printer advertising has everyone's taste (monument)--alcohol advertising one step To the stomach (position) - Stomach medicine advertisements are fun to ride (it) - horse racing/motorcycle advertisements

Pharmacy: "You are asking for trouble."

1. At the entrance of the hotel: "copy" the meal

2. At the entrance of the car repair shop: "Push" the tire for tire repair

Baiyi (Yi) Baishun --Advertisement for electric irons

 3. At the entrance of a retail store: "Another" sells barbecue (slightly) better ---Advertisement for a fast food restaurant

 4. At the entrance of a furniture store: "Jiu" Bath as you please (desire) - Water heater advertisement

5. Decoration store entrance: Decorate "Huang" leisurely (virtuous) wife and loving mother - Washing machine advertisement

6. Lost property advertisement: Lost property "Revelation" Cough (engraving) cannot be delayed - Cough medicine advertisement

7. At the entrance of the installation company: "Press" to install the big stone (thing) into small, and the small stone (thing) has turned into - - Stone disease treatment advertisement

8. One click (see) is worse than a hundred things to hear.

9. At the entrance of the hotel: "combined" rice

10. Fruit shop Door: "Bo" radish

11. Restaurant menu: Chicken Dan

12. Hardware store sign: "扦" seat

13. Sporting goods Store sign: "Lan" ball

14. Fast food restaurant entrance: "Bar"

15. Farmer's market sign: "Tomato"

16 , Parking lot sign: "Ding" car charges

17. Strict crackdown propaganda slogan: Strict "severe" crackdown 18. A traffic propaganda slogan: Overloading and overloading are "extremely" harmful

Introduction to advertising plaques with typos

1. Pharmaceutical advertisements: "cough" without delay

2. Mountain bike advertisements: "riding" is endless fun

3. Supplement advertisement: "Turtle" is safe

4. Glasses advertisement: A "brightness" is astonishing

5. Mosquito repellent advertisement: No "mosquitoes" are silent

6. Scotch tape advertising: There is no substitute for "tape"

7. Internet cafe advertising: One "net" is deeply loved 8. Piano advertising: "Piano" has a special liking, and "piano" is loved at first sight< /p>

9. Water heater advertisement: "bath" as you like

10. Air conditioner advertisement: no "sweat" for life

11. Clothing store advertisement: "clothes and hats" Recruiting people

12. A laundry advertisement: "Clothes" are not given up

13. Real estate company advertisement: Ten thousand "rooms" are available 24. Seafood advertisement: Receive "fresh" One step

14. A certain cake advertisement: "cake" rises step by step

15. Stomach medicine advertisement: one "no" to "stomach"

16. Horse racing advertisement: Enjoy "riding"

17. Electric iron advertisement: "Everything is smooth"

18. Fast food restaurant advertisement: "Burning" is better

19. Washing machine advertisement: "leisure" wife and loving mother
