High voltage line billboard

2024-09-21 11:09:44

⑴Under what circumstances should you stay away from high-voltage lines

It is safest to stay indoors. Do not hide under big trees, electric poles or other sharp objects that can easily trigger lightning. Also do not stand on open surfaces such as squares and playgrounds. If you encounter a thunderstorm outdoors and you have no time to leave a tall object, you should immediately find some dry insulation and place it on the ground, and sit on it with your feet together. Do not put your feet on the ground other than the insulation, because water can conduct electricity. .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1. Do not stay on the platforms of high buildings during thunderstorms, and it is not appropriate to enter isolated sheds, guard booths, etc. in open areas outdoors.

2. Stay away from exposed water pipes, gas pipes and other metal objects and electrical equipment in buildings.

3. It is not advisable to avoid thunderstorms under big trees. If you have to, you must keep a distance of 3 meters from the trunk of the tree, squat down and keep your legs close.

4. If there is a feeling of ants crawling around your head, neck, and hands, and your hair stands up during thunder and lightning, it means that a lightning strike will occur. You should lie down on the ground quickly to reduce the risk of being struck by lightning. And take away the metal jewelry, hairpins, necklaces, etc. you are wearing.

5. When avoiding thunderstorms outdoors, be careful not to support the ground with your hands. At the same time, hold your knees with your hands, keep your chest close to your knees, and lower your head as much as possible, because the head is most vulnerable to lightning strikes than other parts of the body. .

6. When you see lightning and hear thunder within a few seconds outdoors, it means you are in a dangerous environment near a thunderstorm. At this time, you should stop walking, put your feet together and squat down immediately, and do not interact with others. Pull together, it is best to use plastic rain gear, raincoat, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          It is not suitable to hold an umbrella in the wilderness, or hold high a badminton racket, golf club, hoe, etc.; It is very dangerous to play golf, football and other sports; it is not suitable to stay on or near the water; it is not suitable to wash clothes, fish, swim or play by the river.

8. During thunderstorms, it is not advisable to drive a motorcycle quickly, ride a bicycle quickly, or run wildly in the rain, because the greater the stride of the body, the greater the voltage, and the easier it is to injure someone.

9. If you see a high-voltage line broken by a lightning strike outdoors, you should be more vigilant at this time, because there is a step voltage near the breakpoint of the high-voltage line. People nearby must not run at this time, but should Put your feet together and jump away from the scene.

10. Don't stand in the open area, the top of the mountain, the ridge, etc. or lying on the ground.

11. Do not stand under big trees, beside woods or haystacks to take shelter from the rain.

12. Do not walk near isolated high-rise buildings, chimneys, telephone poles, high-voltage wires, etc.

13. Don’t wear wet clothes on the road.

14. Don’t swim in open water, row boats, or walk in rice fields. 6. Don’t get close to metal objects.

15. Do not carry metal objects while walking in the open air.

16. Do not ride bicycles, tractors or motorcycles.

17. Do not make mobile phone calls. < /p>

18. Do not stand near lightning rods or any part of lightning protection equipment.

If you are struck by lightning, it is very important to rescue yourself as soon as possible. If lightning hits the head and passes through the body to the ground, it will paralyze the person's nerves and heart, which may be fatal. After a person is struck by lightning current, the heart will either stop beating or beat at an extremely irregular rate and tremble. Both of these situations will stop blood circulation, cause brain nerve damage, and the person may die within a few minutes. If clothes catch fire, you should lie down immediately to put out the flames so that the flames do not burn the face, otherwise the injured may die from lack of oxygen or burns. You can also pour water on the injured person, or wrap him in a thick coat or blanket to extinguish the flames. If the person who received an electric shock has fallen into coma and stopped breathing, he should be asked to lie down on his back, unbutton his clothes, and immediately carry out resuscitation and rescue operations. While performing mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, perform chest heart compre ssions. The essentials of the action are: overlap your hands flat and Place it on the middle and lower 1/3 of the sternum and pre ss vertically. Artificial cardiac compre ssion ventilation was performed at a ratio of 30:2.

Personal advice: Take shelter in a low-lying, dry or leeward house or cave. However, you cannot take shelter in low buildings without lightning protection facilities such as shacks and guard booths. Lightning tends to strike areas with tall objects. Therefore, pay attention to the topography during thunderstorms. It is forbidden to stay on top of mountain tops or high hills, and do not get close to tall trees, telephone poles, chimneys, billboards and other tall, isolated objects. Outdoor activities should be stopped immediately and you should seek shelter from lightning as soon as possible. You can take shelter in a low-lying, dry or leeward house or cave.