
What does it mean when a billboard falls?


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公叔叔壮 2024-09-22 07:54:27

本文目录一览I、Are there any principles that can be followed in Feng Shui for attracting wealth in a store?
Feng shui is getting more and more attention, especially when choosing housing and stores. Today we will talk about the feng shui considerations when choosing a store. As a businessman, the feng shui layout of the store must be able to ensure that customers A constant supply is conducive to business and can make merchants prosperous. The quality of a store's location determines the store's financial feng shui pattern, which indirectly affects your financial luck. So are there any principles that can be followed for a store's feng shui to attract wealth?
1. Take the bustling and avoid the remoteness
In cities and towns, busy areas are where the flow of people passes through.
According to Feng Shui, when there are people, there is anger. The more people there are, the more angry there will be. Taking advantage of the anger will bring prosperity to the business.
2. Choose openness and avoid narrowness
When choosing a house location in Feng Shui, pay attention to the openness in front of the house and accept the vitality from all directions. This is consistent with the emphasis on welcoming visitors from all directions in business. According to this principle, when choosing the address of a store, you should also consider the openness in front of the store. It is required that there should be no obstructions, such as walls, telephone poles, billboards, and trees that are too large to block the eyes.
3. Orient south to avoid northeast Feng Shui. When choosing the site of your Yangzhai, make sure it faces south. The purpose is to avoid exposure to the sun in summer and cold winds in winter. When choosing a business address, you also need to consider protection from the sun and cold wind. So, the best thing is to sit north and face south, that is, take the south direction.
4. Store appearance
From the perspective of product marketing, to pay attention to the appearance of the store to achieve the purpose of establishing a commercial image, we must make this appearance distinctive and unique, that is, we must pay attention to creating the appearance of the store. Characteristics, by using the uniqueness of the store's appearance to promote itself and attract customers.
5. Harmony between the exterior shape and the regional scenery
When designing the appearance of a store, in addition to considering the coordination of the structural proportions of the building itself, attention should also be paid to making the appearance of the store consistent with the area where it is located. Harmony with natural scenery.
6. The store should be spacious
The door of the store is the throat of the store and the passage for customers and goods to enter, exit and circulate. The number of customers a store welcomes and delivers every day determines the success or failure of the store. Therefore, in order for the store to increase the number of customers it receives, the door should not be made too small.
7. Doors should avoid ominous objects
From the perspective of mental health and environmental sanitation, the door of the store should also avoid facing some buildings that are called unlucky by Feng Shui.
8. Place mascots to attract wealth
One thing you need to pay attention to when it comes to shop Feng Shui is that the layout style of the shop must be coordinated with the surrounding environment and cannot conflict with each other. Otherwise, it will not be conducive to business prosperity and financial resources. Guangjin. In addition, you should pay attention to the cleanliness inside and outside the door to avoid the breeding of germs or odor, which will affect your business. Even the words and deeds of the clerk, civility and courtesy, etc. will affect the quality of business.
II、A billboard in a China Telecom business hall in Chengdu fell and hit a boy. Who is responsible for the injury caused by the fall of the billboard?

There are many billboards on the roadside. If the billboards fall down, pedestrians will be injured. If the billboards are placed at a high place, the injured may die. A billboard in a China Telecom business hall in Chengdu fell and hit a boy. Who should be held responsible for the injury caused by the billboard falling? Here's what I think. First, since the billboard of the business hall fell down, the person directly responsible is the branch of the business hall. The company is directly responsible for compensating the child's losses, and the higher-level headquarters of the business office must give an explanation. In addition, if you have any objections to the determination of responsibility, you can call the police. The police will send the child to an injury appraisal agency for appraisal, and handle compensation matters through legal procedures. A large company like this cannot escape responsibility and is basically solely responsible for compensation. Finally, it also depends on the severity of the child's injury. If it is not serious, then it can be resolved privately. If it results in hemiplegia or disability, then the situation is very serious and the medical expenses and mental losses must be compensated.

1. Since the billboard of the business hall fell down, the person directly responsible is the branch of the business hall.

The company is directly responsible for compensating the child's losses, and the superior headquarters of the business office must give an explanation.

2. If you have any objections to the determination of responsibility, you can call the police.

The police will send the child to an injury appraisal agency for appraisal, and the compensation will be handled through legal procedures. A large company like this cannot escape responsibility and is basically solely responsible for compensation.

3. This also depends on the severity of the child’s injury.

If it is not serious, then it can be resolved privately. If it causes hemiplegia or disability, then the situation is very serious and you must compensate for medical expenses and mental losses.

About a billboard in a China Telecom business hall in Chengdu that fell and hit a boy. Who should be held responsible for the injury caused by the falling billboard? If you have anything else you want to add, please leave a message below in the comment area. If you also agree with this article, remember to like and follow it.

III、What are the requirements for Feng Shui when doing business?

1. Avoid the secluded and prosperous areas

According to Feng Shui ethics, places with many people will have more anger and will be more peaceful. Prosperity, the more vitality, the more prosperous the place can bring prosperity to business.

Therefore, one of the shop Feng Shui is to avoid the bustling and remote areas, which can not only attract customers, but also play a promotional role. Shops are suitable to be located at X- and Y-shaped intersections in bustling areas. This shape of the intersection is a prosperous port in Feng Shui and is very suitable for opening a shop.

2. Choose openness and avoid narrowness

In Feng Shui site selection, houses pay attention to openness. Openness can accept life from all directions, and the same is true for shops. . According to this Feng Shui principle, when selecting a store address, you should first consider whether the front of the store's main entrance is open and there cannot be any obstructions. The openness of the store is not limited to the front of the main entrance.

3. Take the south direction and avoid the northeast direction

The location of the shop should be away from the sun and cold wind, so the best direction is to sit in the south direction. North direction. If your shop faces the northeast, it will be exposed to direct sunlight and cold wind for a long time. Feng Shui calls this phenomenon evil spirits, which is very detrimental to the business of the shop.

4. Avoid ominous plants at the door

To avoid ominous plants in the shop Feng Shui door means that the main entrance of the shop cannot face the bathroom, hospital, funeral parlor, etc., which are all in Feng Shui. It is an unlucky building.

In Feng Shui, these buildings gather a lot of yin and resentment. Shops facing funeral parlors and other buildings will be affected by these dirty qi for a long time, which will cause the shops’ wealth to evaporate and their fortune to decline forever. Can't make a fortune.

5. Shop color

In terms of Feng Shui, the color of the interior decoration of the shop should be consistent with the five elements of the shop owner’s fate. The so-called five elements of fate should be based on the location of the store. Compre hensive consideration is given to the direction and the Five Elements attributes of the goods being sold, and the attributes of the goods are included in the five major categories of water, wood, metal, fire, and earth, and then the interior decoration tones of the store are specifically determined based on the Five Elements of the shop owner's fate and the direction of the store's location.

6. Shop layout

The most taboo thing in shop Feng Shui is that the shop layout has missing corners or sunken corners. Shops with this kind of layout are absolutely auspicious and will not bring good fortune, because houses with irregular layout are the places where evil spirits are most likely to gather in Feng Shui. The existence of evil spirits will cause the evaporation of wealth and the decline of fortune, so such shops will eventually The result is bankruptcy at a loss.