Elevator advertising screens and photo frames

本文目录一览⓵What are the delivery modes of elevator advertisements? How does it work?

The delivery modes of elevator advertising include elevator door frame advertising, elevator door sticker advertising, and elevator TV advertising.

Elevator door frame advertising is a form of advertising pictures that are not installed in the elevator car. This form of advertising is usually static. Elevator door sticker advertising usually refers to pasting posters inside and outside the elevator door. Advertisements placed in this way are also static. Elevator TV advertising refers to installing LED displays around the elevator and in the elevator car to play built-in advertising content. This method can well combine advertising images and loud sounds to achieve the best communication effect. Merchants who place advertisements can choose the most suitable promotion method for their products to place advertisements.

As the earliest company in China that started out as an advertising company, Focus Media has now become the first Chinese advertising media company to be listed on NASDAQ in the United States. In 2007, it selected Included in the Nasdaq 100 Index. Founder Jiang Nanchun started his business by renting highway billboards. In 2003, he founded Focus Media and pioneered the elevator media as a communication medium in the world.

At the beginning of the period, Jiang Nanchun rented a billboard next to the highway and rented the billboard to manufacturers who needed to advertise, and made the first pot of gold. . Later, he discovered that people had nothing to do to kill time while waiting for the elevator, so he seized this business opportunity and launched elevator advertising. At first, static advertising paper was posted on the escalator. Later, with the development of technology, he developed a dynamic advertising model, placing advertisements in dynamic mode around and inside the elevator to increase the viewing experience. Well, this advertising model first requires contacting property companies in major shopping malls and communities to rent the walls around the elevator and the inside of the elevator car. This part is also a large part of the income for property companies, so most property companies will not refuse it. Then, the advertising company will place the pre pared advertisements into television media. This is also a major part of Focus Media's revenue. Focus Media has also relied on this operating model to develop to what it is today.

⓶How to place elevator advertising in Jinan? What's the approximate price?

Elevator advertising in Jinan can take the form of elevator frame advertising, elevator video advertising, and elevator door sticker advertising. The advertising prices are different for different forms.

1. Jinan elevator frame advertisement

Media name: Elevator frame

Media quotation: 768 yuan/frame/week

< p>Production fee: 10 yuan/frame

2. Video advertising in the elevator is on the screen

Media form: video in the elevator Advertisement

Playback specifications: 15"

Playback time: 6:30-22:30

Media quotation:


Quotation on the upper screen: 328 yuan/week/unit (300 times/day);

Quotation on the lower screen: 60 yuan/week/unit (300 times/day);

3. Elevator door sticker advertising

Media name: Elevator door sticker

Media quotation: 998 yuan/week/block
< /p>

Production fee: 30 yuan/frame/week

Extended information:

Elevator frame advertisement That is, the elevator poster advertisement is a static picture. The delivery period is one week, and the cost is the price of a single block per week. The number of floors in each community or building is different, and the number of frame advertisements is generally different. The quantity is 50 yuan, and a budget of several thousand or tens of thousands can be used.

Frame advertising is suitable for placing a single advertising screen. You only need to make a picture of the corresponding size. It is currently the most mainstream elevator. The advertising form is relatively simple to produce. Moreover, during the advertising period, this advertising space has only one advertising screen. In other words, if there is only this advertising space in the car, people taking the elevator will only see our family. This is the uniqueness of elevator frame advertising.

Elevator video advertising is a form of advertising that can play video and sound, making the video advertising more vivid and impre ssive. The investment cycle is also one week, and the price of a single advertising space is cheaper than that of frame ads.

The production of video ads requires planning the content to be played, and then recording the video, and the video is generally 15 seconds long. The disadvantage of video advertising is that each advertising space can play multiple ads, which are displayed in a carousel, and residents may not be able to see the ads when taking the elevator.

⓷What are the charges for elevator advertising screens?

As for the quotation of elevator advertising, under normal circumstances, each large screen will be played 60 times a day, 15 seconds each time, the price is 89 yuan/week, 5 seconds each time, the price is 43 yuan/week .

If the format of "large screen + small screen" is adopted, it can be played 60 times a day, 15 seconds each time, and the price is 111 yuan/week; 5 seconds each time, the price is 58 yuan/week. The price of 1.0-frame elevator posters is 1,380 yuan per poster per week, and the weekly price for 3.0-frame elevator posters is 1,648 yuan.

Elevator advertising screens generally charge between 3,000 and 5,000.
