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What are the brands of large billboards?

I、Find a movie you have watched before, a fantasy movie about the underground!
Probably "Lost Continent"
The very young Rick Marshall (played by Will Ferrell) is a strange scientist who studied supersonic ions during the economic depre ssion. And he spent 50 million to have the well-known host Matt Lauer ridicule him on live TV. He was so disheartened that he would be laughed at even when he lectured to primary school students. Some people said that he had to cross the dragon gate or die. . At this time, college student Hurley (played by Anna Friel) came with a surprise. The 2.1 billion-year-old fossil had a $10 lighter from Marshall printed on it
Hurley Visiting Marshall again, she found that Marshall had really developed the weird machine that could control supersonic ions. She excitedly took Marshall, who was afraid of experimenting with the machine, to a mysterious cave in Colorado, where there was a weird caretaker named Will. (played by Danny McBride), Will has been trying to create surprises for the two of them on their rafting trip, but has been unable to do so. The lizard man his companions hoisted up to scare people was even knocked underwater by Marshall in panic. Will I was very disappointed, but at this time Marshall's weird machine worked while playing the gay song, causing an earthquake, and the boat drifted into the gap between time and space
The three fell into the desert, where ancient times were everywhere. A creature from the era, he rescued the primate Chaka (played by Jorma Tarquin) who was almost killed by his companions. They were chased by the oversized Tyrannosaurus Rex and finally escaped its pursuit. Marshall asked Will Explaining that the Tyrannosaurus rex's brain was only the size of a walnut, it attracted another pursuit from the Tyrannosaurus rex. It was very dissatisfied and had been chasing Marshall They fled into the cave, where there were actually human skeletons and record players, and they were squeaking and squeaking. Can be played. After a peaceful night's rest, Marshall suddenly received a call for help the next day. Someone sent a video to his mind through high technology. Marshall hurriedly set off and headed straight to the location. Will thought Marshall was crazy and chased him with stones, but he found that Marshall was not crazy. There were really brilliant buildings buried here, and even a group of lizardmen surrounded him. Among them, Marshall used his talents to find the lizard man asking for help. He was Inke of the Andersen tribe. He said that their leader would travel through time and space to conquer the earth, and the key to returning to the earth was that weird machine. Marshall promised to find the machine and bring it over.
In order to avoid being discovered by the dragons, Marshall even vowed to bathe in the duck-billed dragon's urine and drink it. At this time, Chaka said that it could lead the way. Everything went smoothly along the way. With Hurley's translation, Will and Chaka communicated without any obstacles. Chaka told them that he was the prince of the clan, and someone almost killed him because someone in Mingye Xing usurped the throne. . There are 7,000 women in its tribe to serve it, which makes Will envious. Along the way, they saw many things lost in modern civilization, including billboards, trucks, and even Ferris wheels and bridges. The waiter on the Ice Point Car was also teleported over, but unfortunately, he was eaten by the dinosaurs competing for food. The dinosaurs began to chase Marshall and others. Marshall hid next to the clothing mannequin. The dinosaur held a clothing mannequin in its mouth. Hurley was frightened when she mistakenly thought it was Marshall and almost rushed out. Later, Marshall used a sling to throw refrigerant into the dinosaur's mouth. Inside, the dinosaurs exploded, popping up the strange machine they were looking for. Before Marshall could touch the machine, he was taken away by the flying pterosaur. He was disheartened and thought hard about where to look. Will and Hurley were worried that he would not recover. In the cave, Marshall confirmed that he was not depre ssed and started to play his piano, but was bitten by a mutated blood-sucking bug and fell into a coma. past.
They found a weird machine that played gay songs in the pterosaur lair, but accidentally woke up the baby pterosaurs. As a last resort, everyone started singing gay songs, even the primate Chaka. Start singing that song. After taking the machine, everyone safely found a hotel in a sea of ​​snow, where there was a large swimming pool and you could sunbathe. At this time, Hurley discovered that the machine responded and walked all the way into the black hole. Marshall and Wilchaka were sunbathing when they saw a big crab rushing towards them. They were frightened. However, the big crab fell into the hot spring, turned into food in a second, and splashed out of the water. Everyone was eating crabs and chatting contentedly. Will said he didn't want to leave. There was his good brother Chaka here, as well as drinks and hot springs. It was better than his modern life. Marshall also apologized to Carl for always looking down on him. At this time, everyone discovered that Hurley and the machine were missing, and believed that they were taken away by the lizard people. However, they found the skin that the lizard people had pushed away. They put on the lizard skins to rescue Hurley, and found that Ink was the one who wanted to invade the earth. people, and they have sent Chaka to send the machine to Ink
After a desperate fight with the Tyrannosaurus rex, they finally defeated the group of lizard people who served Ink and entered Ink. In Ke's crystal room, Ink, who had opened the Earth Gate, looked at Marshall and the others in surprise. During the fight with Marshall, Will accidentally broke the crystal. At this time, the Earth Gate was already very fragile. Only by dragging the troublesome Inke can he return to Earth. --------Hope to adopt!
II、What are the ways to attract traffic to WeChat official accounts?
No matter which industry is promoted through WeChat official accounts, the most important number is the number of fans!
For public account traffic,
If you just want a number of fans in the background, there are a lot of zombie fans sold on Taobao online.
If you want to have relatively effective fans, you have to operate slowly and step by step.
In the early stage of fan accumulation, the main focus is on the accumulation of existing customers; in the subsequent stage, the current basic fans will be used for fission communication. The following two methods can be considered:
The main online methods currently include: H5 interactive games to attract fans, WeChat large-scale advertising, WeChat Moments advertising, etc.;
Offline methods include: stores Drainage, product packaging QR codes, flyers, billboards, etc. The specifics need to be considered based on the nature of the industry, the company's business model and the positioning of target fans
Currently, the fastest way to attract fans is to do some fan-attracting activities through official accounts, such as some red envelope activities. When receiving, you need the help of sharing friends to receive them. Success
