
⒈What should you pay attention to when setting up a street stall?
1. The products are reasonably priced. Most of the products on the street stalls are high-priced, and the products are reasonably priced, making customers feel that they are more cost-effective than buying them elsewhere.
2. Diversify. A product that is unique or very rare and can attract customers is a good product. Putting something as plain as water on a street stall will only turn into price competition in the end.
3. Address selection. It is very important that different products match different users, and different products should be sold in different regions. For example: vacation travel products are only available in scenic spots, cotton socks are suitable for night markets, and student supplies are sold at school gates. Only by selecting your own consumer groups and accurately positioning your products can you be successful.
4. Pay attention to the prohibitions on setting up stalls. This is very important. In some areas, street stalls are not allowed. You must learn more about local permission requirements. Of course, the country has recently regulated stalls in order to increase employment.
5. Product placement. The lighting effect is very important at night. Prepare a large battery and buy a light bulb with a gentle light source. The product is placed conspicuously, and it is best to make an unforgettable billboard.
6. Pay attention to primary sources of supply. First make one or two products mature and refined, and then start improving new products.
7. It is best not to sell fresh fruits. It is too inconvenient to open a snack bar, and the fruit business consumes a lot of money. Selling daily necessities, even if it rains, the items will not break when placed at home, and there is basically no wear and tear.
Setting up a street stall is not an easy task. You have to go early to grab a stall, because it cannot be set up everywhere and the number of stalls is limited. In fact, the income from street stalls is unstable, and some depend on the weather. Therefore, setting up a street stall is not suitable for young people with dreams to continue doing it. If you have saved enough capital, you can consider transformation.

⒉Street stall snack billboard design plan
Key points of billboard design:
1. Make sure the advertising message is concise and clear for quick communication. Typically, viewers only have 7 seconds to read an ad.
2. The advertisement should contain the company name, contact information (phone number, website or address), and brief introductory information.
3. Consider including company profile, slogan (should be easy to understand and relevant to the product), and product advantages (what makes it unique compared to competitors).
4. Use simple and eye-catching slogans and avoid too much text to leave a deep impre ssion.
5. The size of the billboard should be large enough so that it can be read clearly even when driving fast. The font must be clear and the reading time of the slogan should not exceed 3 seconds.
6. Choose creative graphics, such as photos of company buildings or sales products, to increase visual appeal. Make sure the graphic size is large enough for quick recognition.
7. The color selection should be eye-catching, such as yellow and red, and pay attention to color matching to avoid visual confusion.
8. Use color psychology to choose appropriate colors based on product characteristics. For example, red is suitable for stimulating action and attention, and green symbolizes life and nature.
9. Billboard design should include clear, easily identifiable contact information and company name, as well as colors and graphics that appeal to your target audience.
10. Consider the placement location of billboards, such as high areas or traffic thoroughfares, to increase visibility and appeal.
11. Billboards should be visible year-round, provide information 24 hours a day, and be able to indicate specific locations.
12. Pay attention to the simplicity of billboards to convey the core message, while avoiding being too complex to convey product details.
13. Recognize the limitations of outdoor advertising, such as competition for location, cost and regulatory restrictions, and the lack of effective performance measurement tools.
