Elevator advertising LED screen embedded

"Eye-searing" elevator advertisements are growing wildly. Has the elevator room become a blind spot for advertising supervision?

Nowadays, there are more and more eye-catching elevator advertisements, and many community residents are troubled. These advertisements have simple and rough lines, eye-catching pictures and countless cycles, which make many residents who take the elevator Feeling uncomfortable and disgusted. Due to the large number of residential elevator advertisements and the different forms of residential elevator advertisements, it is unrealistic to rely solely on the advertising supervision department to solve the problem. It is obvious that the escalator elevators we ride in every day have become a blind spot for advertising supervision.

Nowadays, many modern residential buildings have LED scrolling screens in the elevator rooms, and some advertisements are played continuously on the electronic screens every day. In addition to modern communities, in the elevator rooms of some old-fashioned communities, although there are no LED scrolling screens, the elevator rooms are also filled with advertising paper. If it is some public welfare advertisement or safety advertisement, it is understandable. After all, it can remind residents of the community to pay attention to safety before rushing and learn about some public welfare undertakings. However, the advertisements in the elevators of many communities are very eye-catching, such as: There are very few female models introducing weight loss advertisements; strong male models are shirtless and advertising gyms. In addition to the cool clothing of the advertising models, some advertisements even have some sexual implications. These advertisements are not suitable for children riding in the elevator. It is obviously inappropriate and may even bring some negative effects.

Elevator advertising and general media advertising are very large advertisements. Media advertising is generally reviewed by the market supervision department, but elevator advertising as a content form is relatively simple and has Compulsory acceptance of advertisements is relatively loose in review and control. Basically, they can be played in elevators with the consent of the residential property management. Since there are too many elevator advertisements in the community, and most of them have not been reviewed and filed, the market supervision department cannot conduct unified management of these elevator advertisements, and elevator advertisements have become a blind spot in the work of the market supervision department.

Since it is unrealistic to rely solely on the market supervision department to solve the problem of elevator advertising, this requires our community owners to supervise and supervise the community properties and require the community to Property companies cannot place eye-catching advertisements to affect the normal lives of residents.
