
一、Can isolation guardrails be installed in basement parking spaces?
Generally, there is no such hard requirement. It can or cannot be installed. It depends on how the property is managed. And even if it can be installed, the guardrail cannot extend beyond your parking space and connect with other people's parking spaces, especially if it occupies other people's parking areas.
If under normal circumstances, developers build basements and no one does this when planning parking spaces, it is too stupid. It costs money, takes up space, and is prone to unnecessary scratches.

二、How to write a friendly reminder from the property management to remind the owners to buy a small car and there are too few large parking spaces in the basement
Dear owners:
I am your property service provider and would like to send you a friendly reminder. Recently, we have noticed that the number of large parking spaces in the basement of the community is limited, and the supply has exceeded demand. To ensure you have ample parking space for your car, we recommend that you consider purchasing a small parking space.
There are many advantages to purchasing a small parking space. First of all, it can ensure that your car has more space and avoid difficult parking situations. Secondly, the price of small parking spaces is relatively more affordable and more cost-effective. Finally, purchasing small parking spaces can also help us better manage the community, control the number of large parking spaces, and ensure that every owner has sufficient parking space.
If you already have plans to purchase a small parking space, we recommend that you act as soon as possible. We are working with multiple parking space developers to provide you with more options. If you need more information or help, please feel free to contact our customer service staff and we will serve you wholeheartedly.
Finally, we remind you again that in order to ensure the parking order and safety of the community, please do not use unauthorized parking spaces without authorization. Thank you for your cooperation.
XXX Property Company
