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Be careful when billboards fall down

发布时间:2024-09-21 19:18:33 作者:南叔朗
╯▽╰Will billboards fall on their own?
Of course billboards will fall on their own. If there are natural causes, such as thunder, rain, wind and rain, strong weather factors, Then it can fall down by itself. Don't let it fall down, otherwise it will easily hit you.
ˋ▽ˊA billboard in Shanxi fell and killed one person. What was the cause of the accident?

A billboard in Shanxi fell and killed one person. What was the cause of this accident?

1. What happened when a billboard in Shanxi fell and killed one person?

Incidents of billboards falling and injuring people have happened many times, but they still have not attracted everyone's attention. Although sometimes it is caused by weather, it also shows from another aspect that the installation of these billboards is difficult. It was not as strong as it should have been. Due to strong winds in Taiyuan, Shanxi, a billboard hanging on the sixth floor of a square fell down and hit a passing vehicle on the spot. Eventually, the vehicle The driver suffered head injuries. After being sent to the hospital for rescue, the driver lost his life.

2. What was the cause of this accident?

When this incident occurred, the local weather conditions were very severe. Not only were the sharp edges very strong, but there was even sand and dust. The local area had also issued relevant warnings to remind people to avoid going out as much as possible. However, there were still some people Unfortunately, he lost his life in this strong wind. Although the cause of this accident was partly due to the strong wind, it was mostly due to the fact that the billboards were not firmly installed. We usually install them in some squares. The billboards seen are very large, so they are required to be installed firmly during installation. The installers should also take into account possible windy weather during this process. Therefore, after this accident, this square The staff who installed the billboards need to bear certain responsibilities, because they did not guarantee that the billboards existed and would not harm other people. There is a problem with the quality of the billboards.

3. How to avoid such incidents?

When something like this happened, many people felt very heartbroken, because a life of living liquid hail was taken away accidentally, and this kind of situation can also happen to us ordinary people. Because there are so many billboards in cities now, no matter where they are, if the billboards fall down, they may hit people. Therefore, we hope that all billboard installers and managers can maintain the billboards on a daily basis. And especially in such windy weather, you must pay attention to check the strength of the billboard in advance to ensure that it will not fall due to strong winds. Do not always hold a fluke mind and fail to correct it. Billboards must be maintained and maintained. Once an accident occurs, the consequences will be unbearable. Don’t take it lightly if there is no accident. Prevention work is also a very important part.