How to change the size of the billboard in PS without deformation

壹、The size of the large outdoor billboard in PS is 1120*432 pixels and the resolution is 150 pixels/inch? Is that okay?
It is best to use a resolution of 300 for printing, but Sometimes you need to make a larger picture, and if you don’t have high requirements for printing quality, you can also use 150 resolution. Your size setting is in pixels. Changing the resolution seems to also change the size. Generally, the printing size is in centimeters and millimeters.

贰、If I use PS to make a billboard with a length of 1.2M and a width of 0.8M, how small should I set the size and the resolution?
1.2mx0.8m resolution is so high that I can set it to 72, which is higher. It's useless, because the effect of spray painting and photo can only be achieved by using simple code.
