How to create a company billboard

本文目录一览⓵How to apply for outdoor anti-aircraft guns and billboards for advertising companies? Process? Procedures? Fees?
Where are you from? The approval procedures are different in each place. Let me give you a reference
1. You must obtain an outdoor advertising registration certificate.
Basic conditions to apply for outdoor advertising registration:
(1) Obtain business qualifications consistent with the application matters in accordance with the law.
(2) Own the ownership of the corresponding outdoor advertising media.
(3) The location and form of advertising shall be within the scope permitted by national law and comply with the requirements of the outdoor advertising setting planning of the local people's government and advertising management department.
(4) Outdoor advertising media are generally not allowed to publish various types of non-advertising information. Those with special needs must comply with relevant national regulations.
2. Supporting documents that should be provided when applying for the "Outdoor Advertising Registration Certificate":
(1) A copy of the business license.
(2) A copy of the advertising business license.
(3) One copy of the advertising contract (original).
(4) One copy of the agreement for the use of the advertising venue (original).
(5) Approval from relevant government departments is required in accordance with laws and regulations, and approval documents issued by relevant departments must be submitted.
(6) An "Outdoor Advertising Registration Application Form" must be filled out.
3. Registration procedures and relevant requirements
(1) Application for registration of outdoor advertising should be submitted to the industrial and commercial office of the place where the advertisement is released thirty days before the advertisement is released, and supporting documents are pending Registration will be accepted after everything is ready, and registration fees will be paid as required.
(2) Outdoor advertisements that have been reviewed and approved must be published according to the registered location, form, specifications, time, etc., and may not be changed without authorization. The registration approval number must be published at the same time as the advertising content.
(3) If an outdoor advertisement is not published within three months after registration, it shall apply to the original registration authority for deregistration.
If you have already registered and need to extend the advertising release time or change other registration items, you should apply to the original registration authority for change registration.
Process for setting up outdoor billboards! ! It is necessary to have a rental agreement for the advertising location, location map of the advertising space, safety certificate, and electricity consumption certificate, structural drawings, photos before installation and renderings after installation, and the urban management approval report should be submitted to the urban management department for approval

Additional point:
If it is an outdoor column billboard, which is what you call an anti-aircraft gun, it is much more complicated.
Generally, these have been planned by the planning department in every place and cannot be reported for construction casually
. Like here, even if you apply, it's impossible to get approved.
There is no need to pay extra to apply for advertising space. It used to cost 150 to issue an outdoor advertising registration certificate from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, but now it’s free

⓶The boss is assigned a task to set up two billboards in the company's factory. What should I do?
The most important thing is that you come up with the slogan, then go to the advertising company, tell him that you want to put up these two signs, and ask him to give you a rendering and a budget. Do you think it is okay? Just let them do it.
If you want to do it yourself, I suggest you forget it. If you don’t tell yourself when you are tired, the effect will not be good, but your reputation will be ruined.

⓷What qualifications are needed for an advertising company to produce billboards?
The company is an advertising engineering and commercial display enterprise. It can apply for "Advertising Engineering Enterprise Qualification" with the Advertising Engineering and Display Committee of the China Business Advertising Association.
Our company has applied for this qualification. The qualifications are divided into three levels. The Association of Advertising Engineering and Display is the only association in the country that starts with "中". It has a very high gold content. With this qualification, the chance of winning the bid will be very high.
For specific information, just consult the secretariat of the association directly. You can find the association's website by searching "China Business Advertising Association Advertising Engineering and Display Committee" on Baidu.
