
一、What is the best configuration for large outdoor billboards with a length of 30X and a height of 6 meters using LED floodlights?
It is recommended to use LED floodlights. Two 150W LED floodlights can be used horizontally. If the lighting angle is increased, the effect will be good. Or, if vertically projected downwards, 30W LED floodlights will do. About 20 LED floodlights will be needed. The effect will be good. It is the best. LED lamps are energy-saving and have long service life. Although the initial investment may be a bit large, the return is objective.
The installation of outdoor advertising facilities shall comply with urban planning requirements, be compatible with urban regional planning functions, and be reasonably laid out and set up in a standardized manner. Outdoor advertising facilities should be solid, safe, coordinated with the surrounding environment, and meet the requirements of beautifying the city.
Outdoor advertising facilities shall not be set up under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Using traffic safety facilities and traffic signs; (2) Affecting municipal public facilities and traffic The use of safety facilities and traffic signs;
(3) Impeding production or people’s lives, damaging the appearance of the city or the image of buildings;
(4) Using street trees or damaging green spaces;
( 5) Set up in construction control zones of state agencies, cultural relics protection units, outstanding modern buildings and scenic spots;
(6) Set up in areas or on carriers where the municipal people's government prohibits the setting up of outdoor advertisements.

二、If you open a lighting store, you can find all brands of lights, including Philips energy-saving lamps. Can billboards be used as Philips lighting? Is there any infringement?
Philips is basically ignored. Haven’t you noticed that Philips has the most fake products in China’s lighting industry? There are three Philips in our market, one real Philips, one Spanish Philips, and one homemade Philips. Philips of Spain is just playing around with things. The only Philips products they make are Philips fluorescent tubes, and everything else is not Philips. You just need to talk to the place where you got the goods and let them do a spray painting for you.
