
发布时间:2024-09-22 11:26:33
⒈What is the name of the billboard at the door?

The billboard at the door is a store sign. The shop sign is the signboard of the store, and some places call it "zhaozi". From the perspective of brand promotion, a good store sign in a busy area is not only a symbol of where the store is located. The main requirements for a good shop sign are standard color (words), width, length, cleanliness, and brightness. The requirements for surrounding lighting include brightness, distance between lights, and lighting time.

Historical origin

Guizi, also known as "Yaozi", "Shizhao", "Zhaoguo", is the prototype of the signboard. In the old days, a guise was hung at the front of a shop as a shop sign to mark the nature of the business. Cover can be roughly divided into the following four categories: Literal cover. Some are made of wooden boards, and some have a curtain hanging from the top of the pole. The writing on it is small but pre cise. In the tavern, the word "wine" is written.

Write the word "dang" for a pawnshop, and "ready-made clothes" for a tailor's shop , the barber shop writes "plastic surgery" and so on. There are also some with a slightly longer number of words, such as the midwife writing "Quick horse riding lightly, a certain family cleansing". Be concise and clear at a glance. Image guo. Use the model of the product as a "cover", such as hanging a wooden fish in a fish shop, hanging a note in a noodle shop, or a picture of plaster selling plaster.

The scissors seller draws a pair of big scissors, under the eaves of the tobacco seller Hang a large wooden tobacco bag. Real object. What is sold is what is hung. A section of charcoal is hung in front of the charcoal seller's door, a few strands of hemp are hung in front of the hemp seller's door, a few threads are hung in front of the thread seller, and a bundle of straw is tied up in the sky with a bamboo pole at the straw shop. Symbol. The image of the object is used as a symbol of the nature of the store.

Extended information:

Font size, that is, store name. Or a brand name. There are some famous time-honored brands all over Shaanxi Province. Jin Fuchang, a famous Qin opera singer, sang in "Visiting Xi'an": "Wearing silk coats and satin 'Lao Jiuzhang' (satin shop), wearing gold and silver inserts 'Lao Fengxiang' (jewelry shop), taking photos of the whole family and looking for 'Dafang' (photography shop) Shop), I want to have a child at 'Zaolu Tang' (Chinese medicine store)

Mopan glasses 'Dehuazhai' (optical shop), Nanhua Company (candy company) eats foreign sweets, No. 1 Market (shopping mall). In the old days, the names of shops in Shaanxi Province liked to use auspicious words as well as the words "benevolence", "righteousness", "loyalty" and "faith". . For example, before public-private partnerships.

The brand names of private cotton shops in Yaoxian County include "Xingshunde", "Xinyicheng", "Zhongxinyuan", "Zhenxingchang", "Fuxingcheng", "Chunshengxiang", "Deyi" "Chang", "Zhizhongyuan", "Benevolence, Yicheng", "Zhishuncheng", "Zhengxingxiang", etc. The name of a traditional Chinese medicine store is generally called "Tang". According to legend, this was at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The famous doctor Zhang Zhongjing practiced medicine while sitting in the hall when he was the governor of Changsha.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Store Promotion

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