
壹、How to maximize the promotional effect of outdoor advertising light boxes?

Outdoor light box advertising is also known as "light box poster" or "night poster". Abroad it is called "semi-permanent" street art. Outdoor light box advertising is different from other types of advertising. Through conception and unique creativity, we firmly grasp the "ring" of inducing consumers' desire to purchase, and use the heterogeneity of visual communication to achieve the purpose of advertising. So, what needs to be done to use advertising light boxes for publicity?

1. Clarify the purpose of advertising. Before advertising, companies need to clarify whether the purpose of advertising is to build brand awareness or to promote new products. Make a good plan and use advertising light boxes for publicity in a planned way.

2. Develop a reasonable budget. Before placing advertisements, operators need to formulate a reasonable advertising budget based on their own financial resources and actual needs, and try to achieve maximum advertising effects with the smallest budget.

3. Correctly view the role of advertising. Due to various factors such as the periodicity of advertising light boxes, publicity intensity, external interference, etc., its actual market performance may be far from meeting the requirements of operators. In this case, operators should not be impatient, nor should they hastily deny the effect of the advertising light box. Calm down and wait patiently, and there may be unexpected surprises. LED ultra-thin light box, also known as side light source light guide plate ultra-thin light box or backlight energy-saving light box, is a high-tech light box product that combines light guide technology with digital printing and engraving technology. Let’s learn about the reasons why ultra-thin light boxes save power. It is a new multi-functional light box made of a variety of outer frame materials. It uses 220 volt mains power or is connected to 220 volts mains power with a 12 volt transformer to achieve a visual expre ssion of the luminous effect.
