A complete collection of commercial outdoor billboard renderings
2024-09-21 01:43:09
本文目录一览ゃōゃWhat procedures are required to install door signage?

1. Door billboards are included in the scope of outdoor advertising management. Each local urban management department has different requirements for store recruitment settings, so you need to consult the local urban management department.

2. Approval process for store signage and signage (own outdoor advertising) setting:

(1) Materials: 2 copies of store business license or industrial and commercial name approved font size, copy of lease contract 2 copies of documents, 2 copies of outdoor billboard renderings, application report, 2 copies of property ownership certificate, and 1 copy of store location map.

(2) Go to the local certification hall to apply. The materials will be reviewed after being shown to the urban management. For example, after the urban management acceptance hall accepts the application, urban management staff will inspect the site within a week, and then leaders at all levels will review and approve. , then go to the industrial and commercial review content, and finally pass.

Extended information:

Notes on installing billboards:

1. The location of the signboard design, There are parallel placement, vertical placement, vertical and horizontal placement, etc.; the unique shape has a strong appeal to the advertising audience and achieves the purpose of the sign attracting customers;

2. Lighting conditions, colorful Lighting can create a lively and cheerful atmosphere for the advertising audience, making it more attractive;

3. Signboard content design, concise advertising information not only makes customers unforgettable, but also achieves good communication purposes;

4. In signboard color design, in addition to paying attention to bringing good psychological feelings to customers in terms of form, materials, composition, shape, etc., color selection cannot be ignored. Customers often first identify signboards. Recognize the color and then identify the store logo and emblem;

5. The emotional design of the signboard must incorporate the emotion of loyalty to customers, so that customers will be loyal to our brand.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia - Billboard

↓。υ。↓How to design the outdoor billboard steel frame renderings
Usually, you go to the scene and take photos of the advertising space, then put the advertising pictures into the photos you took and pre ss CTRL+t , right-click the mouse after the transformation point appears, select Transform, and adjust the size according to the advertising position. (If you are just using PS for effects, it is best to have certain art skills to create a three-dimensional effect.)
Find a brighten or darken tool in the toolbar, and change the entire picture according to the photo taken. Adjust the light and shade. Generally, the size and transparency of the pen are important. Just right-click the picture and select the desired brush. The transparency can be adjusted in the lower line of the menu bar.
If you want to make a night effect, create a new layer, select it with an oval frame in the new layer, and draw it with feathering. hehe. You can do some feathering effects appropriately, but the best thing is to learn some basic 3D production. Good three-dimensional effect.
Beginners are best not to do night effects.
>^<Does advertising on the exterior wall of my company require approval?
Advertising on the exterior wall of my company does require an approval process, otherwise it will not be approved, so I must complete several steps before I can post advertisements on the wall. The specific situation is as follows, please refer to:
First, I or the legal person of the company must go to the urban management for approval.
Second, those who need to post advertisements should pre pare information:
1. Billboard size
2. Renderings
3. Application form [go to the urban management department to get it].
Of course, generally speaking, to save trouble, you can also choose to ask an advertising inkjet printing company to help you make billboards. In this way, the question will help the company handle the relevant procedures, or it can sell the advertisement to an advertising company, and they will help the company operate it.