
一、What are the best things to sell at street stalls in summer?
There are many choices for stall business in summer, and you can choose according to local market demand, consumption habits and seasonal characteristics. The following are some businesses suitable for setting up stalls in summer:
1. Cold drink stalls: The summer is hot and people have a great demand for cold drinks. You can choose to sell various flavors of popsicles, ice cream, milk tea, juice, etc. You can start by attracting customers through promotional activities and discounts, and end by providing high-quality products and services to retain repeat customers.
2. Fruit stall: Summer is the fruit harvest season, and there are many types of fruits. You can choose to sell fresh and delicious fruits, such as watermelon, peach, mango, pineapple, etc. Attract customers to purchase through the display and promotion of fresh fruits. At the end, customer satisfaction can be improved by providing additional services such as peeling and cutting.
3. Barbecue stalls: Summer is the peak season for barbecues, and barbecue stalls are booming. You can choose to sell various flavors of meat, vegetables, tofu, etc., paired with beer, juice and other drinks. At the beginning, you can attract customers through the unique barbecue taste and diverse selection of ingredients, and at the end, you can retain customers through a good environment and service.
4. Night market stalls: On summer nights, people like to go out and shop. You can choose to set up stalls in the night market, selling various snacks, accessories, toys, etc. At the beginning, you can attract customers through unique stall layout and attractive snacks, and at the end, you can satisfy customers through high-quality goods and services.
5. Inflatable amusement park: Summer is a holiday for children, and inflatable amusement park business is booming. You can choose to sell various inflatable slides, inflatable castles, bumper cars and other entertainment facilities. The beginning can attract children through promotions and free trials, and the end can retain children through good rides and safety.

6. Flower stall: Summer is the season when flowers bloom, and the flower business is booming. You can choose to sell a variety of flowers, potted plants, dried flowers, etc. The beginning can attract customers through unique bouquet designs and promotions, and the end can retain customers through high-quality flower quality and good service.
In short, the summer stall business must seize the characteristics of summer and start from the aspects of products, services, environment, etc., to bring customers a comfortable shopping experience. At the same time, through promotional activities at the beginning and high-quality service at the end, customers are satisfied, thereby increasing the proportion of repeat customers and achieving sustainable operations
