一、Trash can light box advertising, how much do you generally charge for advertising?
We are a professional manufacturer of garbage can advertising light boxes, bus shelters, street sign light boxes, and imitation wood grain signs in Yunnan and Guizhou. Judging from my understanding of cooperation with relevant customers in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. There is actually no standard for the advertising charges for trash can light boxes. It makes little sense to ask generally how much the advertising charges for trash can light boxes are.
This problem is mainly viewed from the following two aspects:
(1) The amount of advertising costs actually depends on the willingness of the advertising customer to invest and the advertising value of the light box itself. Willingness to invest mainly depends on the customer's return on investment and strength. Different customer groups are willing to pay different prices for the same advertising space.
(2) The most important thing is the advertising value of your trash can light box. As an advertising and information carrier, we are essentially in the business of selling attention. The main factors that affect the audience's attention of the trash can light box are: first, the shape, quality and size of the light box itself. For the same shape and texture, of course, the larger the size, the more visual impact it will have; secondly, the location of the light box often determines the audience. The daily traffic and the advertising value of the audience itself; thirdly, the city and region where it is located, the size of the city, the stage of urban economic development, etc., and the income level of the local people. . . .
To sum up, taking Kunming and Guiyang as examples, the monthly rent for good commercial streets or traffic intersections may be one or two thousand, and for minor streets, it may be several hundred thousand. . . In very remote places, it may be difficult to rent for only one or two hundred people. . . In pre fecture-level cities like Qujing or Anshun, the average annual rent may be only 3,000 or 4,000. . . Generally speaking, the advertising price of tourist cities will be higher than that of other cities of the same size. For example, Lijiang and Dali are higher than Baoshan and Qujing; large cities are higher than small cities; economically developed cities are higher than economically disadvantaged cities. Developed high.
In addition, if you want to invest in a trash can advertising light box, you must pay attention to the initial investment cost. The initial investment in installing solar lighting will be significantly high. Connecting municipal street lights not only involves many departments but also requires road excavation, and the operating cost will be relatively high. . . . Therefore, with the permission of the city government, the installation locations in different locations in the city can be divided into multiple levels according to the value of the advertising space, and solar trash can light boxes, rolling screen trash can light boxes, illuminated trash can light boxes, and non-illuminated trash cans can be placed respectively. Trash can light boxes and other light box forms with different initial investment costs.
二、How to do daily maintenance of advertising light boxes at bus stops
Daily maintenance of bus shelters is an essential task, which mainly includes maintenance of the lighting system, metal parts of the box and light box panels.
Generally speaking, the most common approach is to regularly check the lighting system and other electrical parts and ensure that the leakage protector is working properly, and to regularly use high-pre ssure water guns to clean, remove dust and scale, and do a good job in sanitation.
More targeted maintenance tools and methods depend on the material the bus shelter is made of. Yunnan Langpu is a manufacturer of bus shelters, street sign light boxes, trash can advertising light boxes, imitation wood grain guide signs and other products in Yunnan, Guizhou and surrounding areas. In practice, I summarized some experiences, hoping to be helpful to everyone. The specific statements are as follows:
A. Metal parts
(1) If the box, columns, awnings and seats are made of stainless steel.
a. If the surface of the brushed stainless steel is scratched, you can use a brushed cloth to pull it along the wire;
b. If the surface of the mirror stainless steel is scratched, you can first use 320# Baiye Roughly sand the piece and then polish with a wool wheel. This will give you a new look.
c. If it is sprayed with paint or posted with small advertisements, you can use banana water or gasoline to wipe it.
d. If rust spots appear, after polishing, spray some chrome plating and self-painting. If rust spots appear due to poor material, it is often caused by corrosion of the stainless steel plate from the inside out. Such treatment often only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. In fact, once stainless steel rusts, it corrodes even faster than iron, making it difficult to treat.
(2) If the box body, columns, awnings, and seats are made of galvanized sheets with folded and welded surface paint or high-temperature spray plastics.
a. If the topcoat is scratched, find paint with a color as close as possible and spray paint the scratched area yourself. If it is a plastic spraying process, it is best to ask the manufacturer to provide the corresponding plastic powder, dissolve it with diluent, and spray it on the scratched area for the best effect.
b. If it is sprayed with paint or posted with small advertisements, you can use banana water or gasoline to wipe it. If conditions permit, the paint or plastic powder solution can be sprayed again as the same or as close as possible.
c. If rust spots appear, polish them and proceed according to method a.
(3) If the box body, columns, awnings and seats are made of galvanized sheets with folded and welded surface, baked wood grain paint.
With the continuous development of domestic cities, the quality requirements for bus shelters are also getting higher and higher. In recent years, some cities have even required bus shelters to have a wooden feel, that is, wood grains need to be made on the metal surface to make the bus shelters look like wooden furniture. Yunnan Langpu has realized the engineering application of baked wood grain paint technology on metal surfaces in Yunnan, Guizhou and surrounding areas.
a. If the topcoat is scratched, the wood grain will be difficult to repair. A more realistic option is to spray paint with a color as close as possible to weaken the impact of the scratches.
b. If it is sprayed with paint or posted with small advertisements, you can use banana water or gasoline to wipe it. Since the wood grain and background color are baked onto the metal surface at high temperatures, the primer and wood grain paint are more resistant to banana water or gasoline. Quickly wipe off the paint on the surface or put a small advertisement on it and then rinse it with clean water. Can.
c. If rust spots appear, treat them according to method a.
B. Panel and awning surface part
(1) If the light box panel and awning surface are made of tempered glass
a. If the tempered glass is scratched, it is usually not easy to handle; if you want to force it, such as grinding and polishing, The likely outcome is that it becomes a pile of broken glass. If it doesn't work, you have to temper a piece of glass of the same size and install it again.
Don’t: For bus shelters installed in public places, the glass must not be replaced with ordinary glass! It is very likely to injure people and endanger the personal safety of people waiting for the bus!
b. If it is sprayed with paint or posted with small advertisements, you can use banana water or gasoline to wipe it.
c. After cleaning or wiping with a high-pre ssure water gun, water marks or dust marks will usually be left on the glass after the water dries. If there is a major festival and the city has very high hygiene requirements, then you can use the method of cleaning the door and window glass of your home, but the cleaning cost will be relatively high and the efficiency will be much lower.
(2) If the light box panel and awning surface are made of durable board (PC board)
a. If there is dust or stains, use a high-pre ssure water gun to clean them. Wipe dry with a clean damp soft towel. . . However, water marks usually remain.
b. If it is sprayed with paint or posted with small advertisements, it will be very difficult to clean and difficult to solve. You can only try to wipe it with a towel dipped in boiling water, because the thermal expansion and contraction of the endurance board are obvious, that is, the expansion coefficient is much higher than that of paint. . . They usually break and fall off. However, this method is not guaranteed to work in all situations, just that it usually works.
The above are the routine cleaning and maintenance methods and techniques for bus shelters summarized by Menoxin in practice. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.