How to set time period for billboards

Outdoor billboards have many advantages. It has a high reach rate, second only to television media, and has strong visual impact. Some large advertisers or well-known brands The spiritual fortress of a big brand can even become some kind of symbol in the surrounding area, and it can bring long-term advertising effects, making it unforgettable for everyone.
Outdoor billboards have a long release period and stand there 24 hours a day, making them easier for target consumer groups to see. Pedestrians passing by at any time can be exposed to the advertisements. Secondly, outdoor billboards The advertising budget of billboards is low and the city coverage is high. As long as the release location is correctly selected and the target consumers in the city are combined, it can achieve a very broad brand promotion purpose. These advantages have caused various businesses to compete for real estate spiritual fortresses. However, with the widespre ad application of the Internet, the Internet has become the main way to spre ad information. More and more companies will choose the Internet for brand promotion, coupled with the proliferation of outdoor billboards and Due to its many limitations, the brand promotion purpose of outdoor billboards is also greatly reduced. Therefore, the design of outdoor billboards must be able to attract attention. When designing, you can start from the following two aspects:
1. The content of outdoor billboards should be refined and the culture should be highly refined. Because outdoor Due to the limitations of billboards, designers need to integrate and refine a large amount of content into a relatively limited space to accurately convey the content of the advertisement.
2. Outdoor billboards need to attract the attention of pedestrians in a few seconds inadvertently, so good advertising creative design is indispensable. Sometimes it needs to be moderately exaggerated to create some kind of visual impact. Make a lasting impre ssion.
The more common outdoor billboards include spiritual fortresses, LED electronic display ads, spray paintings, etc. Outdoor billboards can be seen on streets, intersections, bus stops, bus bodies, and both sides of highways.
