How to change the black background of billboards to red

本文目录一览壹、What color is more attractive for billboards?
I will give you a few color contrasts that are commonly used: red with white letters, red with yellow, black with white, blue with white, etc. It all depends on your design style. Just be attractive. If it’s orange, use dark red. The effect of tracing the white edge should be ok

贰、What color words stand out on the red background of the billboard?
Billboards have a red background, and the font color is generally white or yellow. Plus the strokes are more noticeable. Advertising font selection and size are also particular.

叁、Which is more conspicuous with red letters on a black background or red letters on a white background for advertising signs?
Use white text on a red background to be more eye-catching

肆、The words on the billboard have faded
Is your billboard made of inkjet cloth? If so, this is normal. After all, it is the printed color. Over time, it will be exposed to wind and sun. The color will definitely become lighter. If you want to use it for a longer time, it is recommended to use "Kebaopu cloth" when replacing it next time. It will not be a problem for 2-3 years. The price is about 35 yuan per square meter.
