How much does a hot pot restaurant LED advertising light box cost per meter?

壹、How much is the approximate self-service hot pot franchise fee: 190,000-260,000

Speaking of hot pot, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Hot pot is very popular in the catering industry. As another mode of traditional hot pot, self-service hot pot is also deeply loved and concerned by consumers. So how much is the franchise fee for self-service hot pot? Today, the editor of 321 Entrepre neurship Franchise Network will introduce it to you.

How much is the franchise fee for self-service hot pot?

Opening a self-service hot pot restaurant is the dream of many entrepre neurs, but what should they do if they have no relevant experience? Open a store and start a business by joining a hotpot brand. So how much is the franchise fee for self-service hotpot? In the editor's opinion, the franchise costs of different self-service hot pot restaurants will be different. The cost of opening a hot pot restaurant with a size of 130 square meters is about 190,000-260,000 yuan. These costs including decoration fees are expected to cost 30,000-50,000 yuan. Yuan, the equipment fee is 30,000-40,000 yuan, the brand franchise fee is about 20,000-50,000 yuan, the labor cost is about 20,000 yuan per month, plus the cost of ingredients, water and electricity costs, etc., opening a self-service hot pot restaurant is Around 190,000-260,000 yuan. Of course, different self-service hot pot restaurants have slightly different costs.

What is the profit margin of a self-service hot pot restaurant?

The investment cost of opening a hot pot restaurant is about 190,000-260,000 yuan, so the profit of a self-service hot pot restaurant How big is it? I believe many entrepre neurs would like to know. Since self-service hot pot restaurants are self-service, the recruitment of employees is greatly reduced, so the labor cost is not high, about 16,000 yuan per month. The rent cost of self-service hot pot restaurants is about 10,000 yuan per month. Including water, electricity and other miscellaneous expenses, the monthly cost of running a self-service hotpot is about 30,000 yuan. Assuming that a self-service hot pot restaurant can earn 3,000 yuan per day, then the monthly income is 90,000 yuan. The gross profit margin of the hot pot restaurant is about 60%, so the gross profit is 54,000 yuan, minus the monthly expenses. The monthly net profit of opening a self-service hot pot restaurant is about 24,000 yuan.

How to operate a self-service hot pot restaurant

1. In-depth investigation to understand customer needs

Self-service hot pot restaurant During the pre paration stage for opening a store, attention should be paid to conducting surveys on the income, consumption levels, dietary pre ferences and other information of people in the surrounding areas of the store. Surveys can be conducted in the form of phone calls, filling out questionnaires to enjoy discounts, etc., in order to obtain the most authentic and effective first-hand information. data; in addition, during the operation of self-service hot pot restaurants, attention should be paid to collecting customer opinions and information at all times, and regularly collecting and analyzing this information. The hot pot restaurants will then implement scientific and reasonable adjustments and improvements based on these opinions and information, so that the hot pot restaurant's Only by continuously improving the quality of products and services can hot pot restaurants continue to grow bigger and stronger.

2. Increase the advertising of self-service hot pot restaurants

You can choose to insert advertisements during food and health programs on local TV stations. Light box advertisements on the street, street sign advertisements near the bus station, etc., let people who eat hot pot know that such a self-service hot pot restaurant exists, and at the same time, it can also put a lot of pre ssure on your competitors. However, it should be noted that the content of the advertisement must be suitable for consumers who consume self-service hot pot, and the consumer group of self-service hot pot must be captured, and do not blindly invest in advertising.

3. Create a catering festival

The peak consumption season of self-service hot pot restaurants is mainly in autumn, winter and spring. Hot pot restaurants can choose an appropriate time to hold a self-service hot pot The cultural festival can be held in a hot pot restaurant or in a square around a hot pot restaurant. During the hot pot cultural festival, passing tourists can be invited to taste a small amount of dishes for free, the cost of dining can be reduced during the event, and raffles and prize-winning quizzes can also be held. and other entertainment activities to attract customers and increase the popularity and brand awareness of the hot pot restaurant.

Precautions for hot pot

In many cases, when opening a hot pot restaurant, you need to pay attention to some human body. So what are the pre cautions for opening a hot pot restaurant? The first is the issue of location. When opening a hot pot restaurant, location selection is very important. It is related to the business of the hot pot restaurant. Try to open a store in a place with a lot of traffic and spending power. The second is the decoration of the hot pot restaurant. Good decoration can attract more customers to the store. Then there is advertising. It is very important to promote the store. In addition to holding activities offline, distributing flyers and other promotions, you can also use the Internet for promotion, such as promotion on various food platforms or takeout platforms, which is beneficial to Let more potential consumers know about your hot pot restaurant, and the effect will be very good.
