Chengdu shopping mall exterior wall advertising prices

╯▂╰How much does it usually cost to rent an outdoor advertising space?

1. Prices vary in different geographical locations

In a certain location and environment, the price of outdoor billboards fluctuates around its market value, such as high-speed advertising and market Advertising prices vary by area. The prices for advertising outdoor advertising space in the other two cities are also different. For example, advertising in Beijing is seven or eight times more expensive than advertising in Zhangjiakou, but the effect is similar.

2. The safety of outdoor advertising affects the price

The safety of outdoor advertising is related to life, so whether the selection of single-post advertising materials meets the standards and whether it can maximize the Ensuring the safety of pedestrians also has a basis for pricing.

3. Prices vary with different quality and material grades

For example, the quality of the steel structure frame of a single-column advertisement will affect the price of the outdoor advertising space. Whether the material of the billboard screen is 02A inkjet cloth, outdoor car stickers or part of the screen with reflective stickers, their prices are also different.

(-__-)bHow much does it cost to produce wall outdoor advertising?

How much does it cost to produce wall outdoor advertising? 1. How much does it cost to produce wall advertisements? How much does it cost to produce a wall advertisement? 1. How much does a wall advertisement cost? The usual price of wall advertising should be between 50,000 and 200,000, and the weight of wall advertising is between 500,000 and 500,000. More than 70% of the advertisements are placed in towns and surrounding rural areas, and there are still some in rural areas. Due to the regional economic foundation, the number of wall advertisements in rural areas is relatively larger than that in villages and towns, so the amount of wall advertising directly affects the advertising revenue. The amount of wall advertising probably also determines the effect of one-time advertising. 2. Choose a good path. We must plan well before making wall advertisements. An exquisite plan can make the overall vision more beautiful. Make overall arrangements before planning, and reasonable planning can help. 3. Real-time time management In order to ensure the delivery effect, it is necessary to ensure the collection.
