Can I change the billboard first if it is still under approval?

When is the best time to install the billboards?
It is better to install the billboards during the day. Because before starting the decoration, you can carefully make the door billboard first, so that people passing by will know early what your store does. If the billboard needs to be replaced after a period of time, the billboard can be installed during the day. It is not too easy in the city. There are many things to pay attention to. Installation at night will cause disturbance to residents, so it is better to install it during the day.

Can I change the door title without applying?
The door advertisement must be approved according to the law.
The content needs to be approved by the industrial and commercial department, and the appearance needs to be reviewed by the city appearance department.
Replacing a new door advertisement does not require approval if the content or appearance is not changed, but if it is changed, approval is required.
Legal link: Article 17 of the "Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Regulations" All units and individuals are not allowed to write or engrave on urban buildings, facilities and trees.
Units and individuals must obtain approval from the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government or other relevant departments to hang or post promotional materials on urban buildings and facilities. Hello! Whether outdoor advertising fees are charged for the signboard above the store door depends on whether the specific "signboard" belongs to a billboard or contains advertising content. Signs hanging above or to the left and right of the store entrance are small in size and only have the company name approved by the industrial and commercial department (such as "City Company Store", "Beijing Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant", etc.). They are company plaques and are not advertising. No advertising fees should be charged. If the area is large, in addition to the company name, there are business services or other advertising terms, and there are colorful background patterns, it is a billboard and should be charged as advertising. In addition, those who manufacture and hang without permission or license shall, in accordance with Article 18 of the "Outdoor Advertising Registration and Management Regulations", have their illegal gains confiscated by the industrial and commercial administration authorities, and impose a fine of not more than 30,000 yuan, and re-registration procedures must be completed within a time limit. . Those who fail to complete the registration formalities within the time limit will be ordered to stop publishing. You can change the name of the buyer or add a buyer;
If you change the name of the buyer or add a buyer before completing the online signing and filing, you need to negotiate with the developer to terminate the original contract and sign a new one. [Legal Opinion]
After approval from the industrial and commercial department, go to the urban management office to register. Outdoor advertising construction must go through approval procedures before construction. The application process and required information are now provided as follows:
1. Get the application form for door advertising plaque construction (Note: Get it at the Service Center of the Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau)
>2. Submit materials:
1. You need to provide renderings of landscape advertising settings (6 daytime renderings, 1 night scene, A4 color pictures are required, indicating the materials used, size, and production unit), and current situation pictures (one A4 Color picture), with a perspective rendering of the six stores centered on our store.
2. Proof of property rights of the proposed location for landscape advertising is required: 1 copy of the real estate certificate or lease agreement.
3. A building decoration inspection form is required (note: contact the jurisdictional brigade for processing).
4. The original and copy of the business license or name approval letter, and a copy of the legal person's ID card are required.
5. Catering and accommodation industries need to provide a copy of the health license; unit applications need to provide: organization code certificate
6. Tertiary industries such as catering and accommodation must first go to the Planning and Environmental Protection Bureau to handle environmental impact assessments .
7. Need to provide: Copies of the five-pack responsibility certificate in front of the door (if not, please contact the area members of the jurisdiction of the Urban Management Compre hensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau)
8. Merchants who join national chain brand stores need to provide national chain brands 1 copy of the authorization letter.
