The vertical billboard is 1.2 meters

I、Use PS to design a 1.2X2 meter outdoor billboard. What font size is appropriate for the title and which font looks better?

First you need to create a 1.2*2 meter file, and then according to Look at the left and right margins to determine how big the font size should be. If you type one word and type 10 words, the font size they use is different, so there is no way to give you an answer.

In addition, no matter what size document you make, as long as the text is the same as the picture and there is no obvious sense of disharmony, it will be perfect!

II、Does the country have requirements for the height of billboards?
For the sake of street lighting and road traffic safety, advertisements hung on street light poles must not exceed 1.2 meters in length, 50 cm in width, and weigh 50 kg Within, the height from the road is at least 5 meters, and it cannot protrude from the road, and must be parallel to the road.
Legal basis:
"Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 8: The performance, function, origin, use, quality, ingredients, price, producer of the product in the advertisement , validity period, commitment, etc., or any expre ssions regarding the content, provider, form, quality, price, commitment, etc. of the service, etc., shall be accurate, clear, and clear. If the advertisement indicates that the goods or services promoted are accompanied by gifts, the variety, specification, quantity, term and method of the goods or services attached shall be clearly stated. The content that laws and administrative regulations stipulate should be clearly stated in advertisements should be displayed prominently and clearly.
Article 33: Advertisers or advertising operators who use the name or image of others in advertisements must obtain their written consent in advance; if they use the name or image of a person without capacity for civil conduct or a person with limited capacity for civil conduct, The written consent of their guardian must be obtained in advance.
Article 48 No unit or individual may forge, alter or transfer advertising review and approval documents.
