The typhoon advertising sign was blown away

⊙△⊙Where did Typhoon No. 6 "Mikra" make landfall?

According to the editor's understanding, at 7:30 on August 11, Typhoon No. 6 "Mikra" made landfall in Zhangpu County, Fujian Province. This was also the third typhoon in 2020. A typhoon that landed in Fujian Province.

After Typhoon No. 6 "Mikra" landed on the coast of Zhangpu, Fujian, it brought heavy rainfall and strong winds to Zhangzhou, Xiamen and other places in Fujian Province. Affected by Typhoon Mikra, a large number of trees were broken in Zhangzhou County, Fujian Province, affecting traffic, and some areas were seriously flooded.

Due to the influence of Typhoon Mikra, the roofs of a resort villa in Zhangpu Volcanic Island Scenic Area in Fujian were blown off, leaving 10 people trapped in the room. Immediately, the Zhangpu Brigade of the Zhangzhou Fire Rescue Detachment in Fujian Province dispatched 12 firefighters, and with the joint assistance of the scenic area staff, the trapped tourists were transferred to a safe place.

According to the editor's understanding, Typhoon No. 6 "Mikra" made a frontal landing along the coast of Zhangpu County, Fujian Province, blowing strong winds of magnitude 13 to 14. Some In villages and towns, roofs and balconies of houses have been blown away, and some billboards have also been blown to the ground. Along National Highway 324, provincial highways, county roads, etc., a large number of street trees were uprooted, and many fallen trees caused traffic jams. In the face of the disaster, local traffic police, town and village cadres, and gardening departments The staff actively carried out emergency rescue and disaster relief, busy clearing fallen trees and easing traffic.

On Yan'an North Road, Zhangzhou City, a thick street tree was cut in half by the wind, and then fell on two cars. Fortunately, the people on the car were not injured. According to the Zhangzhou City Gardening Department, as of noon, more than 500 fallen trees and more than 1,000 broken branches were found in Zhangzhou city.

And due to the impact of Typhoon No. 6 "Mikra", water accumulated in many low-lying road sections. When vehicles passed by, sprays about half a meter high were splashed. ; There is also some water that has reached the sidewalk, and pedestrians can only take a detour to pass. In addition, street trees in Dongyuan, Shengli, Xueyuan and other sections of Putian City were also blown off by strong winds, which affected the normal passage of vehicles. Environmental sanitation personnel and other staff also rushed to the scene as soon as possible to deal with the problem.

In addition, the typhoon "Mikra" also affected the electricity consumption of nearly 800,000 households in Fujian Province, which was mainly concentrated in Zhangpu County and Longhai in Zhangzhou. city. The power department has dispatched emergency repair forces to carry out emergency repair work. As of 3 p.m., about 400,000 households had restored power.

∩△∩What pre cautions should we take when a typhoon comes?

While the typhoon brings us plenty of rain, it also often causes a variety of disasters, such as destroying billboards. It was blown away, big trees were uprooted, causing sea water to pour in and so on. Next, I will learn the pre cautionary measures against typhoons with everyone.

Typhoon pre cautions

Before a typhoon approaches, you should pay close attention to media reports about the typhoon to understand the possible impact of the typhoon. At the same time, take pre cautions in time according to the possible impact of the typhoon. pre vention work.

Before the arrival of a typhoon, safety reinforcement measures must be taken in a timely manner as strong winds may knock down buildings and high-altitude facilities; people living in various types of dilapidated houses must be moved to safe areas in a timely manner.

Before a typhoon comes, flower pots, hanging objects, etc. on the roof, windows, and balconies should be moved in time to pre vent them from being blown down and hitting people when strong winds come.

Before a typhoon approaches, you should pre pare flashlights, radios, food, drinking water, common medicines, etc., and keep your mobile phone fully charged for emergency use.

Before the typhoon comes, drain pipes should be cleaned in time to keep drainage smooth.

During a typhoon, try not to go out and stay indoors. According to reports, people who are not indoors during a typhoon are four times more likely to be injured than those who stay indoors.

During a typhoon, if you have to go out, you should bend down and tighten your body into a ball. You must wear tight-fitting clothes. When walking, you should walk slowly step by step to pre vent being blown by the wind. When walking, try to hold on to corners, fences, pillars or other stable fixtures when walking. Never walk near temporary buildings, billboards, iron towers, etc. to avoid being injured by falling objects.

When in danger, please call the local government’s disaster pre vention hotline for help.

After the typhoon passes, you should stay in the house for a while and wait for media reports that the typhoon is over before going out.

A typhoon will move after it forms

The moving path basically follows the outer edge of the subtropical high, moving from east to west. However, the movement path is very complicated due to the influence of many factors. Taking the movement path of typhoons in the western North Pacific as an example, its paths are divided into three:

 ①Westward path. The typhoon moved westward from the ocean east of the Philippines, passed through the South China Sea, and landed in my country's Hainan Island or Vietnam.

②Northwest path. The typhoon moved northwest from the ocean east of the Philippines, passed through the Ryukyu Islands, and made landfall in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang or Zhejiang and Fujian areas of my country.

 ③Turn path. The typhoon moves northwest from the ocean east of the Philippines, then turns northeast and moves in a parabolic path.

The concept of typhoon

The "typhoon" commonly referred to by the public should be professionally called "tropical cyclone". Generally refers to a rapidly rotating low-pre ssure vortex that occurs in tropical areas. According to the World Meteorological Organization, tropical cyclones are divided into different intensities based on the 2-minute average maximum wind level near their center (expre ssed in the Beaulieu wind scale). Tropical cyclones of different intensities have different names, in order from weakest to strongest: tropical depre ssion, tropical storm, severe tropical storm, typhoon, severe typhoon and super typhoon. It can be seen that the meaning of "typhoon" in professional terms is much narrower than what the public generally means.

According to the national standard "Tropical Cyclone Levels" (GB/T19201-2006), tropical cyclones are divided into six levels: tropical depre ssion, tropical storm, severe tropical storm, typhoon, severe typhoon and super typhoon.

The formation of typhoons

The formation of typhoons mainly has the following conditions:

1) The vast warm ocean surface, the sea water temperature is above 26.6°C, providing tropical cyclones with high temperature and high humidity

 2) The vertical shear of the tropospheric wind speed is small, which is conducive to heat accumulation,

 3) The geostrophic parameter f is greater than a certain value (areas with a latitude greater than 5°), It is conducive to the formation of a strong low-pre ssure vortex,

 4) There are low-level disturbances in the tropics, which provide continuous input of mass, momentum and water vapor.
