
发布:2024-09-24 09:22:06 作者:汪孟映

I、How can a drink that has not been advertised enter the market as quickly as possible? Please give your valuable suggestions in detail~!
A few simple ideas: First of all, you must understand that the sales volume of a product can be determined by the 4Ps in marketing, namely: 1. The product is a high-quality and safe product. I won’t go into more details on this, because you products have been produced. 2. When the price of the product is determined, your price is lower than that of competing products, giving wholesale channels and terminal merchants a large profit margin. Promotion is relatively easy, and no one has trouble with money. 3. Channel Cut into the corresponding channel according to the characteristics of your product. It is recommended to choose market hot spots to make a fuss. See below for details. 4. Promotion includes channel promotion + consumer pull. Here are some suggestions: 1. Sales agency. The product has no visibility, and early promotion mainly relies on channels, so it is necessary to avoid terminal risks in order to open the market. 2. Select a hotspot. The hotspots I am referring to here are schools, Internet cafes, and other places where consumption is concentrated. For these hotspots, those who can sell on behalf of others can use the form of "display fees" to sell them and use money to break them open. market. Basically all major manufacturers currently do this. In addition, in the early stage of promoting small brands, be sure not to spre ad it too widely, and choose the location accurately, otherwise the financial pre ssure and risks brought by agency sales will be unbearable for the company. 3. Pay attention to ice. The weather in Guangdong is relatively hot, and more than 80% of beverage sales come from freezers. The acceptance of beverages that have not been chilled is not high, especially for purified water, carbonated drinks, and sports drinks, refrigeration is more critical. Therefore, you need to invest a certain amount of money in refrigeration, and let end customers help you ice your drinks. Juices, dairy products, etc. are relatively good, and the proportion of shipments on the main shelf is also considerable, so the cost investment can be inclined to the main shelf. . 4. Borrow strength. That is to say, look for powerful agents. A good beverage agent can fully promote your products through its channels. On the other hand, it can also transfer the financial pre ssure of sales to the agent. As for how to select and manage agents, I won’t go into details here due to space limitations.