Why are most billboards white and red?

Why are the streets full of red and white store billboards and placards?
This is a very ancient tradition that originated in ancient China. In ancient times, red and white had special meanings: red repre sented good luck, good luck, victory and wealth; while white repre sented goodwill, tranquility, peace and purification. Therefore, most store billboards and placards are decorated with these two colors to attract customers with positive energy to come for consumption.

What color is the most eye-catching billboard?

Red, yellow and white billboards are the most eye-catching.


The appeal of bright colors

In color science, red and yellow are known for their With high saturation and visibility, it is often considered a highly attractive color. These bright colors can attract people's attention instantly, especially in long-distance or fast-moving scenes, such as billboards on the highway. Therefore, red and yellow billboards tend to stand out among other advertisements.

The key role of contrast

White can produce good visual effects in various backgrounds due to its high contrast and high brightness properties. When billboards are placed in places with complex backgrounds, such as busy commercial districts or outdoor events, white billboards can be more easily recognized and noticed by people. Its simplicity and high visibility make it ideal for advertising.

Considerations of cultural background

In addition to the psychological and visual characteristics of color, color selection is also affected by cultural background. In some cultures, specific colors may be viewed as auspicious, positive, or have some special meaning, which may also enhance people's attention and memory of advertisements for those colors. Therefore, it is also very important to consider the cultural background of the target audience when designing billboards.

To sum up, red, yellow and white billboards are generally considered to be more eye-catching due to their high visibility and attractiveness. However, actual advertising effectiveness may also be affected by a variety of other factors, such as the size, location, design layout and content of the billboard. When designing a billboard, taking these factors into consideration can more effectively capture the attention of your target audience.
