5cm billboard pvc board

发布:2024-09-21 16:59:51 作者:东季适

本文目录一览I、What are the advertising boards?

There are many types of advertising boards.

1.PVC board. PVC board is a common advertising board with excellent weather resistance and UV resistance, and is suitable for outdoor advertising production. It is easy to process and cut, can be customized according to needs, and the cost is relatively low.

The explanation is as follows: PVC board is a board made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material. Because of its waterproof, moisture-proof, corrosion-resistant properties, it is widely used in the production of outdoor billboards and signs. In addition, PVC boards are rich in color and easy to print, and can produce various exquisite advertising images.

2. Acrylic board. Acrylic board is an advertising board with high transparency and beautiful appearance. It has excellent processing performance and weather resistance, and can be used to produce advertising signs and display stands of various shapes.

The explanation is as follows: Acrylic board is a transparent board made of polymer material. Due to its high transparency, good processing performance and strong weather resistance, it is often used to make indoor and outdoor advertising signs, display stands, signboards, etc. In addition, acrylic panels can also be dyed, printed and other processes to meet different design needs.

3. Aluminum plate. Aluminum plate is a lightweight, beautiful and durable advertising plate. It has good processing performance, corrosion resistance and high strength, and is suitable for making various large billboards and signboards.

The explanation is as follows: Aluminum plate is a metal plate made of aluminum as the main raw material. Due to its light weight, beautiful appearance, corrosion resistance and other characteristics, it is widely used in the advertising industry. Aluminum plates can be processed by cutting, engraving, printing and other processes to produce billboards and signboards of various shapes and sizes. In addition, aluminum plates also have good recycling value and meet environmental protection requirements.

4. Wooden boards. Wooden board is a natural and environmentally friendly advertising board. It has good texture and thermal insulation properties and is suitable for making indoor billboards and display stands. Wooden panels can also undergo various engraving and printing processes to achieve personalized customization.

The explanation is as follows: Wooden boards are boards made of wood as raw material. Due to its natural, environmentally friendly characteristics and good texture, wooden boards also have certain applications in the advertising industry. It can be used for engraving, printing and other processes to produce unique indoor billboards and display stands. At the same time, wooden boards also have good thermal insulation properties and are suitable for some display places that require thermal insulation.

II、What are PVC boards and KT boards, and what are their specific functions?

What are PVC boards and KT boards? What are their specific functions?

PVC board

PVC board, the full name is polyvinyl chloride board, is a kind of polyvinyl chloride resin as the main component. Plate.


1. Building materials: PVC boards are often used as building decoration materials because of their water resistance, fire resistance, corrosion resistance and other properties. Such as suspended ceilings, wall panels, etc.

2. Advertising industry application: In advertising production, PVC boards can be used to make various billboards, signs, etc.

3. Furniture manufacturing: PVC boards are also used in furniture manufacturing, such as panels for tables and chairs, etc. They are popular for their smooth surface and easy cleaning.

KT board

KT board is a board made of polystyrene foam, with a surface covered with white paper or colored paper.


1. Exhibition display: In exhibitions and exhibitions, KT boards are often used to make display boards, guide boards, etc. It is popular for its lightweight and easy-to-carry features.

2. Advertising and promotion: Because its surface can be easily printed and painted, KT boards are also widely used in the field of advertising and promotion, such as making promotional posters.

3. Interior decoration: KT board can also be used for interior decoration, such as wall decoration, making photo walls, etc.


PVC boards and KT boards are common boards and are widely used in fields such as construction, advertising, furniture manufacturing and exhibition displays. Both have their own unique advantages and characteristics, such as PVC board being water and fire resistant, and KT board being light and easy to process. According to different usage scenarios and needs, choosing the right plate can bring better effects and experience. The above is a brief introduction to PVC boards and KT boards and their main functions.

III、The difference between KT board and PVC board
There are significant differences between KT board and PVC board in many aspects.
First of all, from the material and composition point of view, KT board is a foam material whose main component is polystyrene, while PVC board is a plastic material using polyvinyl chloride as raw material. This difference in material and composition makes them different in terms of properties, appearance, color, thickness, and applicable scenarios.
Secondly, there are obvious differences in properties between KT boards and PVC boards. KT board is light, does not deteriorate, and is easy to process, while PVC board has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength, good insulation, and stable chemical properties. These differences in properties give them different emphases in application. For example, KT boards are more suitable for use in scenes that require lightness and easy processing, such as hand engraving, while PVC boards are more suitable for use in scenes that require higher mechanical strength and corrosion resistance, such as machine engraving.
Thirdly, from the appearance and color point of view, the surface of KT board is smooth and opaque, and it is rich in colors, including red, white, yellow, green, gray, blue, black and other colors. There are two types of PVC boards, one is skin-foamed, with a smooth and flat surface; the other is free foamed, with a dense and uneven surface. The colors of PVC boards are mostly plain, some resemble patterns, and some resemble marble. These differences in appearance and color give them different effects in decoration and beautification.
Finally, from the perspective of thickness, there are two types of KT plate thicknesses, the thickness of hot KT plate is between 2.5-3.0mm, and the thickness of cold KT plate is between 5.0-5.2mm. There are two types of PVC board thicknesses, the thickness of hard boards is between 0.8-30mm, and the thickness of soft boards is between 1-10mm. These differences in thickness make them different in their ability to withstand stress and stability.
In summary, there are obvious differences between KT boards and PVC boards in terms of material, properties, appearance, color and thickness. These differences make them different in application scenarios and effects, and they need to be selected and used according to specific needs. For example, if you need to make display boards or billboards that are lightweight and easy to process, you can choose KT boards; if you need to make machine parts or pipes that are corrosion-resistant and have high mechanical strength, you can choose PVC boards. When choosing, you also need to consider factors such as cost, environmental protection, and processing difficulty to choose the most suitable plate.