How to change billboard spraying from red to white

1、Which one is more expensive, baking or plastic spraying on billboards?
Baking paint
Plastic spraying is cheaper and environmentally friendly, while baking paint needs to be dried naturally or in a room, which is more expensive.
Billboards are a signaling tool in the pull system to start the next production process or to transport in-process products to downstream processes. The term means "signal" or "signal board" in Japanese. Generally refers to all outdoor media that deliver advertising information. Media size depends on actual environment. Shop signs, door headers, and facade images can be drawn by hand, computer-generated, or printed on paper. The materials of billboards are generally made of: square tubes, angle steel, etc., welded together. There can be three-dimensional boards, light cloth, blister, car paint, gusset boards, aluminum-plastic panels, etc.

2、I use aluminum plates to make outdoor billboards. Which one is more effective and lasts longer, plastic spraying or fluorocarbon paint?
Fluorocarbon paint does not bake and dries naturally, but the cost is slightly higher. For better-looking colors, you can also use acrylic, which is colorful
