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What billboards are there in Minhang District?

繁叔淡2024-09-23 13:23:51威海广告网百科7831
大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于What billboards are there in Minhang District?的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。
What is a continental landscape?
What is a continental landscape? This is a style that does not exist. The so-called "Continental" literally refers to the architectural style of the European continent, which at least involves the architectural styles of Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. To this extent, At least it depends on the style of which historical period it is from, which region’s architectural style it is, whether it is modern or ancient architectural style, etc. Recently, a real estate developer launched a so-called "German-style landscape leisure residence" in the urban-suburban fringe area of ​​southwest Shanghai. After carefully reading the real estate developer's advertisement, you can find that this is another kind of commercial hype. In essence, developers are not seeking to create any architectural style in the construction process of residential communities, but are using "Continental style" as a guise to attract people from a certain social class who are not interested in the true architectural style. People who care about their own worth and the quality of their housing. So it's not a question of style, but of values.
Since the American TV series "Eagle Crest Manor" was broadcast in the 1980s, it was also the time of reform and opening up. There were many people in the country who used various ways and means to get rich first, including some nouveau riche. Pursue that kind of pseudo-aristocratic lifestyle, using luxurious appearance to cover up poverty. This so-called "Continental wind" has spre ad all over China, and "Continental" buildings have appeared even in ancient cities along the Yellow River. The author went to Dengfeng County in Henan Province in 1995 and stayed in the guest house of the county government. A new building was being built next to the main building. It adopted a "Continental style" style and had many window casings with complicated moldings on the facade. Dengfeng is a center of Chinese culture. There are the famous Songyue Temple Pagoda (523) in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Yongtai Temple Pagoda, Fawang Temple Pagoda, Jingzang Zen Master Tomb Pagoda (746) in the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty Temple. The viewing platform and star observatory of Zhougong Temple are among others. This kind of urban context cannot be necessarily connected with "Continental style" in any way. The reason why such "visitors from outside" appear is due to changes in people's values.
On the surface, the reason for this "European style" lies in the developers' hype and misleading, and the architect's kitsch, but ultimately, the reason lies in the concept of values. Many of the billboards hung at sales offices use words such as "showing European aristocratic style" and aristocratic names such as Versailles, Venice, Venus, Dynasty, Haodu, etc. to attract buyers. Sun City Garden goes further than other properties in the piling up of irregular and disproportionate columns, sculptures and detailed decorations. The advertisement of Sun City Garden even boldly declares: "The current European style is blowing strongly in the Shanghai property market, which reflects the pursuit of beauty and the demand for cultural taste by Shanghainese who have entered the well-off period. However, some buildings have two Roman columns. When you build a fountain, you call yourself a European style. The European style is used too much and too much. People can't help but ask, what is the real European style? In fact, the purpose of the developers and architects of this "figurine" is to "fully use it." "Showing the dignity and glory of famous families and mansions", this clearly explains their values. The Shanghai Minhang District Court Building built in 2000
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