Does installing advertising plaques in Tianjin require approval?

本文目录一览⑴Which department does Tianjin plaque approval belong to?
Administrative Approval Bureau. According to official information from the Tianjin Municipal People's Government, any plaque facilities installed within the 150 main roads (including expre ssways and radial lines) and 15 prosperous areas in the central city will be reviewed and approved by the administrative approval bureau of the respective district in accordance with the administrative divisions.

⑵Where to apply for a plaque license in Tianjin
New applications for administrative licenses for hanging plaques will be accepted in the approval hall.
1. The staff of the approval hall register the business households who come to handle the approval procedures and verify the approval requirements. 2. A re-application notice (one-time notice) will be issued if the required documents are incomplete, and an acceptance notice will be issued if the required documents are complete. After acceptance, the approval procedures will be handed over to the person in charge of the Approval Office on the same day. 3. The person in charge of the examination and approval office shall inspect the site (notify the inspector) within 3 days after receiving the examination and approval procedures. 4. If the approval requirements are met, the inspector and the approval office will sign the approval form and submit it to the supervisor for approval. If the approval requirements are not met, the items will be rectified within a time limit or returned according to the actual situation (the inspector will be responsible for old and damaged plaques) or the items will be returned according to the return procedures. . 5. After receiving the approval procedures, the approval back office will print out the license and hand it to the management team leaders 1 and 2 on the same day, and create an electronic file of the approval requirements and archive the original materials. 6. After receiving the license, the director of each management office will hand it over to the administrator, who will deliver it to the business owner within three days (in case of special circumstances, explain the reason for failure to deliver). 7. Administrators in each jurisdiction should carefully check when issuing plaque approval certificates. If the material and specifications of the plaque are inconsistent with the plaque approval certificate, they will not be issued.

⑶、Where is the address of the Advertising Signboard Street in Tianjin?
Go to the big alley, there are some things done there
There are also many ancient cultural streets, and they should not be big in scale. If there are more, only 5-6 companies will have no business.
