Xi'an billboard market

本文目录一览⒈Address of Xi'an Advertising Signage Market
Beishaomen 2nd Road, Lianhu District, Xi'an City. According to the Baidu map query, Xi'an Advertising Signage Market is located at No. B05, Color Printing Signage Market, Beishaomen Erma Road, Lianhu District, Xi'an City. Founded in 2015, it is an advertising market engaged in print and recorded media.

⒉Where in Xi'an Advertising Street is there a door with illuminated characters?
In Youlao Duanlumen cross to the south
The name of the road: Cypre ss Napai Forest
The specific location: Bell Tower-Eastern Street to the east A big ten god eggplant character
Or: Go south from the Provincial Government Square (Xincheng Square), cross the East Street cross and you will arrive

⒊What materials are needed for door approval in Xi'an? Is it legal to impose fines for hanging billboards without approval?

The fine is legal. You can dismantle it first and then go through the procedures. You need to submit the following materials to the outdoor advertising installation administrative department:

1. According to the "Xi'an Outdoor Advertising Installation Management Regulations" 》Article 20: To use carriers other than those specified in Article 19 to set up outdoor advertising, the applicant shall apply to the administrative department for outdoor advertising setting and submit the following materials:

(1) Outdoor advertising setting Application form, including the location, location, form, materials, specifications, etc. of the application for setting up outdoor advertising;

(2) Business license or other documents proving the legality and validity of the subject's qualifications;

(3) Panoramic computer design renderings of outdoor advertising, real-life pictures of the installation location, structural design drawings, description of the design service life, and construction instructions issued by a professional design agency with corresponding qualifications;

(4) Setting up outdoor advertising Proof of ownership or use rights of buildings, structures, sites and facilities;

(5) Safety certification materials, daily maintenance plans and safety responsibility commitment letters for outdoor advertising facilities;

( 6) Other information stipulated by laws and regulations.

2. According to Article 22 of the "Xi'an Outdoor Advertising Settings Management Regulations": the outdoor advertising setting administrative department shall review the application materials submitted by the outdoor advertising setting applicants.

3. According to Article 54 of the "Xi'an Outdoor Advertising Settings Management Regulations": If the owner of outdoor advertising installation rights violates the provisions of these regulations and has any of the following circumstances, the city management will order him to make corrections within a time limit; if the violation exceeds the time limit, Failure to make corrections will result in a fine of not less than RMB 10,000 but not more than RMB 30,000:

(1) Failure to take effective measures to eliminate potential safety hazards of outdoor advertising facilities within the time limit.

(2) Handing over outdoor advertising facilities to units or individuals without corresponding qualifications for construction;

(3) Failure to conduct completion inspection and acceptance of the quality of outdoor advertising facilities in accordance with regulations;

(4) Failure to conduct safety inspections on outdoor advertising facilities exceeding five square meters in accordance with regulations or failure to submit inspection reports to the outdoor advertising administrative department;

(5) Violation Facility technical specifications for setting up outdoor advertising.

Extended information:

1. According to Article 49 of the "Xi'an Outdoor Advertising Settings Management Regulations": the outdoor advertising setting administrative department is responsible for When conducting supervision and inspection on outdoor advertising settings, the following measures can be taken:

(1) Request relevant units and personnel to provide relevant documents and information, and make explanations;

(2) According to An on-site survey is required;

(3) Order the person with the right to establish the property to perform relevant responsibilities.

2. If the parties concerned are dissatisfied with the administrative penalty decision, they may apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law. If the person fails to apply for reconsideration within the time limit, does not file a lawsuit, and fails to implement the penalty decision, the department that made the administrative penalty decision may apply to the People's Court for compulsory execution.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Xi'an Outdoor Advertising Settings Management Regulations
