Store billboards are different from company business licenses

本文目录一览Is it okay for hotel billboards and business licenses to have the same pronunciation but different words?
In principle, it is not possible. If you change the name, it may be the same as the name of other stores. This will run the risk of infringement. my country's "Enterprise Name Registration Management Regulations" stipulate that the name used in the enterprise's seal, bank account, plaque, and letterhead should be the same as the enterprise name at the time of company registration. The name plaques of enterprises engaged in commerce, public catering, services and other industries can be appropriately simplified, but they must be reported to the registration authority for filing. Anyone who violates this provision will be given a warning and fined not less than 500 yuan but not more than 5,000 yuan. It is recommended that you consult your local market supervision bureau.

Which department should you complain to if the name on the business license does not match the billboard?
Industrial and Commerce Department, Market Supervision and Administration Bureau.

Does it matter if the name of the business license is different from that of the billboard? What should I do?
Billboards and store plaques are two different things. The plaque must match the license, but the billboard does not matter.
If the license plate does not match the actual situation, it may not necessarily be ordered to make corrections, but can be directly fined. Refer to the "Individual Industrial and Commercial Household Regulations", if the plaque does not match the license, it will be regarded as unauthorized change of registration items.
