Guangzhou elevator advertising agency cooperation

I、What company should I look for for community advertising in Guangzhou? Elevator advertising or parking lot advertising are both acceptable.
What company should I look for for community advertising in Guangzhou? Elevator advertising or parking lot advertising are both acceptable.

Mr. Li QQ53721506

What advertising companies are there in Shenzhen? Looking for someone who specializes in community advertising (elevator advertising)?

The LED light boxes at the community gates in Shenzhen also send DMs directly to the owners and surrounding shops. They are so cheap that you will find it unbelievable. You will think to yourself, Oh my god, it is so cheap!

Which company should I look for for advertising on parking lot railings in Guangzhou?

Are you talking about the kind of advertisements at the gates at the entrances of communities and parking lots? I often see this in Guangzhou. There is an advertisement for their Fei Yuqing concert below our community. I also specifically asked the staff who installed the advertisement. It seems to be from Guanxuan Media. I can’t remember clearly. You can go to Baidu. Bar.

What company should I look for to do Guangzhou community double support brand advertising? Also, what other community ads can you recommend?

Answer: For this, you can go directly to Guangzhou Qunzhong Company, OICQ53721506

If you want to do elevator advertising and community advertising in Xi'an, which company should you look for?

There is a company called Wise Advertising, which is very professional, has the largest number of billboards, and covers the widest range of industries. It can definitely meet your requirements.

Would you like to ask which company is best for community advertising in Guangzhou?

The one-touch self-service terminal media machine works well.

Is there anyone who specializes in community elevator advertising? In Guangzhou

Many advertising companies do this. If you go to any neighborhood or shoe building, there will be advertising boards in the elevators. In the lower right corner of the photo, some have contact information and some have the name of the advertising company.

How many Grade A office buildings in Shijiazhuang can display elevator advertisements | elevator door advertisements | office building parking lot light box advertisements? > Information Download Channel>>Office building information download column is available for 4A advertising companies and office building advertising clients from all over the world to browse and view. Thank you!

When investing in elevator advertising, should you look for a property developer or an advertising company?

Nowadays, most property management companies contract out elevator advertising to advertising companies, and the property management company does not care about this.
If you want to invest in more than one community, you can directly find a neighborhood marketing advertising platform, because different communities may be managed by different advertising companies, and the advertising platform will aggregate various advertising media. Finding one advertising platform avoids the trouble of finding multiple advertising companies. Please accept it if it helps.
