⊙0⊙Is it okay to use red characters on a green background in Feng Shui for the sign font of the Five Elements that belongs to water????
Incomplete information, detailed analysis of specific situations, stores such as cold drink shops, aquatic products stores, the Five Elements belong to water, The plaque has red characters on a green background. The green five elements belong to wood and the red characters belong to fire. Wood generates fire, and water and fire are not suitable for each other. But the door is opened in the west, metal energy enters, fire overcomes metal, and metal generates water. This is ridiculous.
Also, the five elements of the owner's family belong to water, so this is not appropriate. For example, if you open a restaurant, use a plaque with red characters on a green background and use wood to light a fire. Although this may seem appropriate, it will also help the hotel business. But the result may be that the restaurant is a hit and the body is exhausted. A wise person would not take this kind of thing, but when there is Yuan Souzai, it is money rather than life, and there is no way.
Similarly, it is also necessary to make it clear what the word is. If the shop belongs to the category of leakage, but the chosen shop name is metal, wood generates fire, fire overcomes metal, and metal turns into water, this is also acceptable.
Therefore, there are specialized auspicious selectors who give names for the owner to choose based on the personal horoscope, the nature and orientation of the business store, and of course, the price is high. The explanation here is to let the questioner know that next time you ask, please be more detailed so that others can answer it easily.
∩▂∩Color matching colors of the five elements belonging to water, what are the specific colors of the five elements belonging to water
In the theory of five elements, color is closely related to the attributes of the five elements. Colors corresponding to water include black and blue, which symbolize depth, tranquility and wisdom. For people born under the Five Elements of Water, their lucky colors may lean toward these cooler tones, which help balance and enhance personal energy.
When choosing clothing, people who belong to the five elements of water are suitable to wear blue and black series. These colors can reflect their watery qualities, such as calmness and wisdom. At the same time, they are also consistent with the relationship between gold and water. Gold can be used as an embellishment to add a sense of nobility. Taboo colors are red and green, as fire (red) may trigger mood swings, while wood (green) may drain the inner power of water.
In restaurant decoration or billboard design, people born in the Five Elements of Water should avoid using colors related to fire (red) and wood (green) to avoid conflict with the characteristics of water. White and blue, especially silver or dark blue, are ideal choices, which not only conform to the theory of metal producing water, but also create a comfortable and elegant atmosphere.
In general, people who belong to the Five Elements of Water should follow the natural laws of mutual growth and restraint in the color matching of closed branches to maintain balance and harmony, so as to show the wisdom and wisdom of water in life and work. Quiet qualities.

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